Spring 2025 Drop/Add Week Information

Outside of a listed drop/add week period, please refer to our advising information page for details about scheduled appointments or virtual drop-ins.

Spring 2025 Drop/Add
Begins: Sunday, January 5, 12:01 am ET
Ends: Thursday, January 9, 11:59 pm ET

Students have through drop/add to adjust courses on their schedules. Schedules are final and students are grade and fee liable after drop/add ends.

College of Social Sciences & Public Policy

If your major is not in COSSPP or if you are looking to speak with an advisor about a program outside of COSSPP, you will need to contact that advising office.

Access the COSSPP advising open Zoom call January 6-10.

Drop/Add ends January 9, but our open Zoom call advising runs through January 10.

All COSSPP advising services are available via moderated Zoom call at https://fsu.zoom.us/j/92825563505 or with meeting ID 928 2556 3505.

Students may sign in from 8:30 am – 11:30 am EST and 1:00-3:30 pm EST.

Students must be signed into Zoom through their FSU account to access the call. See the authentication section below if you are experiencing log in issues.

Wait times may be extensive and are dependent on how many students have joined the call. Students are seen on a first-come basis.

Authentication issues logging into Zoom?

You must be logged into Zoom through your FSU account. If you are receiving an error message that says only authenticated users can log in, follow these steps:

  1. Log out of the Zoom app if you are currently signed in.
  2. Reopen Zoom. On the sign-in screen, click “SSO” under the additional sign in options (below the email and password boxes and sign-in button).
  3. Enter “fsu” in the “Enter you company domain” box and click continue.
  4. The FSU CAS login page should appear in a browser window. Login in normal with your FSUID and password.
  5. Once complete, Zoom should relaunch, signed in through FSU. Reopen the Zoom advising call.

Email advising during drop/add

Please allow ample time (at least 2 full business days) for advisors to respond as this is an extremely busy time of year. Note however that the most efficient method of emailing general questions during Drop/Add week is to send your message to coss-advising@fsu.edu.

Repeatedly emailing the same question may actually delay a response as email threads will be bumped to the back of the email queue by new messages.

Regular Spring advising hours resume on January 13.

Scheduled appointments can be accessed virtually through Campus Connect.

For information on how to schedule an appointment or access virtual drop-ins, see the how-to guide.