This email was originally sent to students with registration windows opening after March 18 for Summer/Fall 2024 on February 28, 2024.
Advising Updates and Reminders:
Prepare for Summer and Fall registration.
Students with priority registration and Seniors (90+ earned hours) can register starting the week of March 4. Students not in these groups register later, based on their total earned hours.
Your registration window opens on [date].
Begin preparing for Summer and Fall registration now. This email contains information about:
- Meeting with an advisor
- How you can prepare to register on [date]
- Updates to policy on declaring minors
Meeting with an Advisor
The priority for advising before March 18 are students who can register before that date. As you have a later registration date, you should wait to to speak with an advisor until after March 18.
Who is your advisor? If you are pursuing a primary major in the College of Social Sciences & Public Policy, advising services are provided by the Office of Academic Affairs. Faculty or staff outside of this office may consult on your major requirements but cannot certify your graduation requirements for the College.
Scheduled Appointments:Schedule appointments through Campus Connect. Availability opens 3 weeks in advance but often fully books during the start of registration.
Virtual Drop-ins: All drop-ins are completed virtually through our moderated Zoom call in order to most efficiently meet with students.
- Please be patient as advisors meet with students in the order that they sign in, as efficiently as possible.
- Wait times may be lengthy to speak with an advisor will likely be lengthy and advisor capacity is often exceeded.
- The first two weeks of registration have the highest volume advising of the semester.
How you can prepare to register on [date]
Review the information below and email any questions to
- Build a schedule, register, and secure your seats as soon as possible.
- You are not required to meet with an advisor before registering for classes – you can always adjust your schedule later.
- You do not have to have a complete schedule to register for classes – register for even one class if you know that it is required or a milestone for you in the next term.
- Use available online tools to build your schedule: access the Academic Requirements Report or previous advising reports in Campus Connect to build a preliminary schedule. The ARR does not always read all major requirements entirely correctly, but it will give you a starting point for reference and good guidance for remaining General Education and Liberal Studies requirements.
- Allow 2-3 business days for an email response from an advisor.
- If you send an email on a Thursday or Friday, do not send a follow-up message over the weekend as advisors do not check email outside of work hours.
- Do not email multiple advisors the same request as it can slow down response time.
- The best way to ensure a timely response is to email
Update to Policies on Declaring Minors
The College of Social Sciences & Public Policy policies for declaring minors. This change is being made to help streamline degree verification and reduce confusion for students about their remaining requirements.
Beginning March 1, COSSPP will only declare a minor on a student’s Student Center records if it is required for graduation/by their major.
- Optional minors not required to meet graduation requirements are not declared on a student’s account, though they may choose to complete coursework for such as part of any general elective hours for graduation.
- Previously declared optional minors will be grandfathered and remain as declared unless a student requests to remove them.
- COSSPP does not certify the completion of optional minors at the point of or after graduation.
Students are still free (and encouraged) to pursue optional or additional minors or other academic options if they feel it adds to the strength of their program of study.
- COSSPP academic advisors will still review and track requirements for an optional minor, if requested, on advising checksheets.
- Remember that in any case (required or optional), minors do not appear on diplomas or official transcripts after graduation.
To declare a required minor or a concentration (for those majors that require one), complete the online declarations form. Students must be upper-division (not pre- or NFA- majors) before officially declaring a minor or concentration.