Summer Deadlines: May 31

This message was originally sent to undergraduate students in the College of Social Sciences & Public Policy.

Today – Friday, May 31 – is the Summer A prorated 7th week drop deadline and the last day to apply for summer graduation. 

Summer graduation application deadline

May 31 is the deadline to apply for Summer graduation through the open application process.

Instructions on applying for graduation are found on the University Registrar’s how-to page.

Students who are not currently on track to complete all graduation requirements should not apply and will not be cleared for graduation at the end of the semester.

Graduation and having a degree posted to a transcript requires that a student complete all requirements during the semester in question. Participation in a Commencement ceremony is not a guarantee of graduation status as the final review for degree clearances happens after grades post for a semester.

Information about Commencement and other graduation processes may be found on the Registrar’s graduation office website. Questions should be emailed to

Summer A prorated 7th week drop deadline

Summer semesters have prorated drop deadlines for each term (A, B, and C). The Summer A prorated 7th week drop deadline is today, May 31.

Classes dropped by the 7th week deadline are not reflected on a student’s transcript. However, students remain fee liable for the course.

Drop Instructions
You cannot use this tool to drop all classes on your schedule (withdrawal from the University) or the final remaining course. For information on initiating a full semester withdrawal, contact the Office of Withdrawal Services.

  1. Log in to your account and click the “SC” icon for Student Center.
    • We recommend using a computer, not your phone to generate the drop form.
  2. Click on the “My Classes” tab.
  3. In the menu, click on “Enrollment: Drop Classes.”
    • If a list of semesters with more than one option appears, click the current semester.
  4. At the top of the page, click the red button that says, “Click here to drop a class for a closed enrollment term.”
    Do not skip this step – the system will generate an error message if you do.
  5. On each the “Instructions” and on the “Academic Honor Policy Statement” pages, read information carefully and then click “Continue.”
    • Note that you are FEE LIABLE for any courses dropped from your schedule after Drop/Add ends.
    • If academic dishonesty charges are filed against you for the dropped course(s), it will be reinstated on your schedule.
  6. Click the checkbox next to each course you wish to drop and then click “Drop Selected Classes.”
  7. Follow the remaining prompts to finish the drop process. Most students will finish this process themselves without needing any special permissions.

If you are asked to generate a drop form (typically due to study abroad, athletics, veterans benefits, etc.), download the PDF and email it to  – do not sign it yourself.