
The Alumni Network

This network allows alumni to be a resource to current students or recent graduates. Any alumni from International Affairs, Asian Studies or Russian and Eastern European Studies, who wants to get involved with this mentorship program should contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.

Notable Noles

The FSU Alumni Association recognizes outstanding accomplishments from Florida State’s young alumni.
Our notable alums:

Pradiip Alvarez (B.S. ’12, M.S. ’14)
World Humanitarian Summit Project Assistant, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Panama City, Panama

Navarro Moore (M.A. ’09)
U.S. Diplomat, U.S. Department of State
San Salvador, El Salvador

Alumni Showcase

Please read some of our alums stories of how their degree program has helped them succeed in their career!

Want to give back?

Your money will go towards scholarship opportunities that will assist our students in preparing for meaningful careers through advanced professional training.

Online with a credit card

You can make a one-time or recurring donation from the FSU Foundation website. Please select “International Affairs annual fund (F04803)” from the “Designation” drop-down box.

Mail a check

To mail a donation, please complete and send this form along with a check payable to:

Florida State University Foundation
325 W. College Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301-1403

For more payment options please visit the FSU Foundation website.

Feel free to contact us for more information about giving back!