
Political Science Professor Discusses Brexit And Its Consequences

by Bill Wellock, FSU Communications On Jan. 31, after a national referendum, elections, negotiations and delays, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. The date marks the end of one political process and the beginning of another. When Brexit is official, the United Kingdom and the European Union will begin negotiating a […]

Black Women Business Owners’ Struggles and Survival Strategies

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.

Student Spotlight: Parliamentary Internship

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.

College Faculty Nominated For University Awards

Twenty faculty members from eight of the college’s departments and programs have been nominated for university teaching and advising awards. Nominations are made either by undergraduates, graduate students or through student evaluation scores. The awards will be announced in April 2020. TEACHING NOMINEES:Paul Beaumont (Economics)|Mikhail Dmitriev (Economics)Michael Hammock (Economics)Anastasia Semykina (Economics)Mark Horner (Geography)Douglas Ahler (Political […]

Study: Military Widows May Have Stronger Support

A newly published study by sociology Ph.D. student Brittany King, along with sociology faculty Dawn Carr and Miles Taylor, suggests that older widows of military veterans are less likely to say they are lonely and more likely to report strong social support. The researchers analyzed survey data from more than 400 women; about two-thirds of […]

Social Science Scholar: Internship with the Cambodian Children’s Advocacy Foundation

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.

Africa Network Launches Colloquium Series

After returning from teaching in Malawi on the Fulbright Scholar program in 2019, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Chris Coutts wanted to dedicate more time to raising the profile of African scholarship at FSU and create stronger bonds between FSU and African institutions. One of his first steps, along with Claudius Mundoma, director of the […]

Research Spotlight: Police Officer Use of Force and Citizen Complaints

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.

Social Science Scholar: Interning at Lockton Companies

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.

Reproduction Matters

This content originally appeared on COSSPP’s Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Blog and is the work of the individual authors sharing their research, expertise, and experience and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University, or any other agency, institution, or entity.