
GCC prepares students for the workforce in an increasingly globalized world 

Apply for FSU’s Global Citizenship Certificate (GCC) by attending one of the information sessions hosted by the Center for Global Engagement every week at The Globe or by signing up for an individual advising session.  

By engaging in a combination of academic coursework and intercultural experiences, students gain intercultural communication skills and develop a deeper knowledge of global issues.

FSU and COSSPP alumnus inspires giving through service and philanthropy

Committed to supporting students in overcoming barriers to success, Florida State University and COSSPP alumnus Cameron Pennant (B.S. Business Management ’15, M.P.A ’17) is proof that a gift can never be too small nor too early. Shortly after graduating, Pennant began working as an advisor for the FSU Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement’s SCOPE—scholarship, […]