COSSPP Sociologist Wins Developing Scholar Award 

The Florida State University Office of Research and the Council on Research and Creativity have awarded a 2023-2024 Developing Scholar Award (DSA) to Associate Professor of Sociology Patricia Homan, Ph.D. 

The DSA program recognizes successful FSU faculty who are several years into their careers and have reached the level of Associate Professor. The competitive award is intended to help identify and honor FSU’s future academic leaders. 

“I’m pleased to see Dr. Homan honored with this award,” said Tim Chapin, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. “She’s an exemplary member of our faculty whose research and teaching have made great impacts at Florida State University and beyond.” 

Awardees are chosen for having a strong cumulative record of achievements representative of all aspects of their scholarly careers and superior teaching, research and creativity that has begun to earn external recognition. The award provides $10,000 to be used to promote Homan’s program of research and creativity during the coming academic year. 

Dr. Homan joined the College’s faculty in 2018. Since then, she has become a Faculty Associate of the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy and a Research Associate for the Center for Demography and Population Health.  

Homan was previously the Associate Director of FSU’s Public Health program but has since become the Director of Research & Strategic Initiatives.  

Her research focuses on developing theory and measurement for structural sexism, structural racism, and other forms of structural oppression, as well as examining how these forces shape health outcomes in the United States. 

Her research has won multiple national awards including the 2022 NIH Matilda White Riley Early Stage Investigator Award, the 2022 Early Career Gender Scholar Award from SWS South, the 2021 ASA Sex & Gender Section Distinguished Article Award, and the 2019 Roberta G. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award from the ASA Medical Sociology Section. 

Before coming to FSU, Homan received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Duke University in 2018. 

The award will be presented at the invitation-only Faculty Awards Reception, which will be held the evening of Tuesday, April 23, at 5:30 p.m. in the Augustus B. Turnbull Conference Center.