The CRI is proud to be a part of a vibrant community at FSU and in Florida that promotes and celebrates the history of civil rights.
The Empowerment Exchange
Our biyearly newsletter “The Empowerment Exchange” encapsulates our recent achievements and strides that our Director, Ted Ellis, has made to further our mission of promoting justice and equality for all. We invite students, faculty, staff, and members of the surrounding Tallahassee community to sign up; if you’re interested, click here.
Browse previous versions here:
FSU Community
Center for the Advancement of Human Rights
Center for Criminology and Public Policy Research
Center for Economic Forecasting and Analysis
Center for Demography and Population Health
Center for Leadership and Social Change
Gus A. Stavros Center for the Advancement of Free Enterprise and Economic Education
The Florida Institute for Child Welfare
Institute on World War II and the Human Experience
National Coalition Building Institute
Native American and Indigenous Studies Center
Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy
Community Partners
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Association
Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce
The Junior League of Tallahassee
National Black Justice Coalition
The Rotary Club of Tallahassee
Tallahassee Council on Culture & Arts
The Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality (OEV)
Urban League Tallahassee Branch
C.K. Steele Speaker Series
The Civil Rights Institute is proud to launch a C. K. Steele Speakers Series to provide a platform for individuals who have been actively engaged in Civil Rights work to connect with students, faculty, and staff at Florida State University.
If you have suggestions for potential speakers, please email