- A Legal Analysis of Eminent Domain in Tallahassee, Florida, The Macksey Journal, Johns Hopkins University, vol 5(1), Article 7, Chloe Wain and Dr. Crystal Taylor, 9 September 2024.
- Calculating County-Level Housing Choice Voucher Gaps: A Methodology, Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, vol. 26(2), pages 401-411, Shane Dabney, 2024.
- Storytelling and Arts to Facilitate Community Capacity Building for Urban Planning and Social Work, Societies, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 10(3), pages 1-15, Dr. Crystal Taylor and Qinghong Wei, September 2021.
- Simulating Utility-Scale Solar Energy Profitability in Florida, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 12(2), 25-40, Arnel Garcesa and Dr. Crystal Taylor, September 2020.
- Foreclosures and Local Government Budgets Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 53, pages 135-147, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tom Mayock, July 2015.
- Local Governments’ Responses to Exogenous Shocks in their Revenue Sources: Evidence from the State of Florida National Tax Journal, vol. 68(2), Erich W. Cromwell, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, June 2015.
- Market Concentration and the Supply of Taxicabs in U.S. Cities, Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, Las Vegas, NV, Samuel R. Staley and Benjamin Douglas, April 2014.
- Housing Bubbles and Busts: The Role of Supply Elasticity Land Economics, vol. 90(1), Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, Tom Mayock, February 2014.
- The Impact of REO Sales on Neighborhoods and Their Residents 2013 FSU–UF Critical Issues in Real Estate Symposium, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tom Mayock, April 2013.
- The Property Tax Is a Bad Tax, but It Need Not Be Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, vol. 15(1), pages 219-224, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, March 2013.
- Promoting Sustainable Land Development Patterns Through Impact Fee Programs Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, vol. 15(1), George S. Burge and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, January 2013.
- The Variance in Foreclosure Spillovers Across Neighborhood Types Public Financial Review Special Issue: Housing Markets, Housing Finance, and Local Public Finances, vol. 44(1), Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tom Mayock, January 2013.
- Information, Search, and House Prices: Revisited The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 44(1), Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tom Mayock, January 2012.
- House Prices and City Revenues Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 41(4), Gregory S. Burge and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, July 2011.
- City Government Structure: Are Some Institutions Undersupplied? Public Choice in a Local Government Setting, vol. 149(1/2), William H. Doerner and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, October 2011.
- Panel data estimates of the effects of different types of crime on housing prices Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 40(2-3), pages 161-172, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tom Mayock, May 2010.
- The Effects of State Smart Growth Programs on Transportation Outcomes Smart Growth and the States, (G. Ingram, A. Carbonell, and Y. Hong (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Press), pages 19-23, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Tim Chapin, January 2009.
- The Incidence of the Land Use Regulatory Tax Real Estate Economics, vol. 37(4), pages 675-704, Ron Cheung, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, and Tom Mayock, December 2009.
- The Effect of Land Use Regulation on Housing and Land Prices Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 61(3), pages 420-435, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, May 2007.
- Impact Fees and Single–Family Home Construction Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 60(2), pages 284-306, Gregory S. Burge and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, September 2006.
- The Effects of Impact Fees on Multifamily Housing Construction Journal of Regional Science, vol. 46(1), pages 5-23, Gregory S. Burge and Keith R. Ihlanfeldt, February 2006.
- An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Impact Fees on Housing and Land Markets Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 34(6), pages 639-661, Keith R. Ihlanfeldt and Timothy M. Shaughnessy, November 2004.
- The Costs of Evolving Regulation: A Case Study DeVoe L. Moore Center, Timothy M. Shaughnessy, October 1999.