FOCUS is the DMC’s annual magazine, which highlights activities, research, and events of the academic year. As one of the primary outputs for our Public Affairs team, interns gain valuable writing, editing, and design skills.
To date, there are five issues of FOCUS available in digital and print. If you would like a physical copy, please visit the DMC on campus or send an email to the DMC Director with your address.
The DMC branches out and explores more programs and opportunities for itself and its interns’ development.
The DMC continues to build programs and pathways for its interns that help them build skills for their future careers and lives.
The DMC has been steadily and intentionally building an experiential learning pathway that leads to professional work.
The latest issue of DMC FOCUS Magazine features student research and activities!
“We barely skipped a beat as COVID-19 reared its head and we went into lockdown.”
“…we published a major empirical study on how occupational licensing unnecessarily impedes the process of transitioning ex-offenders back into mainstream society.”