DeVoe L. Moore Center In The News
June 6: Camila Aponte in Transforming Tallahassee: Florida State University students contribute $7.5 million in volunteer hours, by Jenny Ralph, Florida State University News.
June 5: It would be a mistake for local government to assume recovery costs and funding of RRSQ, by Dr. Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Mar 27: City moves in right direction with discussion on ADU deregulation, by Elizabeth Miller and Jake Nair, Tallahassee Democrat.
Nov 26: Blueprint leaders need to avoid entering the affordable housing market, by Dr. Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat
Mar 7: Florida Legislature should start protecting North Florida’s springs, by Jad Kabbani, Tallahassee Democrat.
Feb 26: Workforce housing subsidy should be a wake-up call, by Dr. Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Feb 19: Disregard for existing conservation easements threatens Killearn Chain of Lakes, by Max Epstein, Tallahassee Democrat.
Jan 12: Better nuisance laws would help contain environmental damage from sugarcane farming, by Mae Baltz, Tallahassee Democrat.
Dec 7: Lessons for student success from this season’s FSU football, soccer success, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Nov 16: What this season’s FSU football and soccer success tells us about leadership, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Nov 15: Wakulla County should reconsider residential impact fees, by Vittorio Nastasi, Tallahassee Democrat.
Oct 16: Moderate students are most marginalized in political discussions on campuses, by Eli Mckown-Dawson, Tallahassee Democrat.
Apr 27: How the Disney debacle broke the back of Florida’s conservative consensus, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Apr 4: Now is the time for Tallahassee to leverage CollegeTown’s economic benefits, by Ava Jowers, Tallahassee Democrat.
Mar 20: Amazon distribution center provides lessons for promoting economic development, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat
Dec 10: When it comes to views of campus climate, political ideology is important, by Eli Mckown-Dawson, Tallahassee Democrat.
Oct 15: Florida’s minimum wage reckoning not that far off the horizon, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
Sept 5: DeSantis undermining individual freedom, conservative principles, by Shawntia Nicholson, Tallahassee Democrat.
June 5: Transparency, accountability needed for Frenchtown, south CRA projects, by Max Epstein, Eminent Domain Project Manager, Tallahassee Democrat.
June 2: Tallahassee Should not boost minimum wage quicker than state mandate, by Sam Staley, Tallahassee Democrat, republished on Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
May 7: The Four Pillars To Winning The Campus Culture Wars, by Sam Staley, Director, Townhall Finance, republished on Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Apr 29: DeSantis needs to strike a balance in Florida campus vaccination policies, by Mae Baltz, public policy research assistant, Tallahassee Democrat, republished on Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Apr 16: The K-12 Wage Gap in Florida: Economic Implications and the Future, by Jimmy Mendez, data analytics research assistant, Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Apr 6: Living with the Lionfish problem: Awareness and Joint Operations, Joshua Duham, data analytics research assistant, Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Apr 1: Meet a Social Scientist: Dr. Staley from the DeVoe Moore Center, Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Mar 30: Removing the Lionfish Problem: A Private Market Guide, by Joshua Durham, data analytics research assistant, Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Mar 26: Humanities graduates in high demand in the business world, by Angel Purganan, data analytics research assistant, Tallahassee Democrat, republished on Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Mar 23: Lionfish Epidemic and Its Repercussions for Florida, by Joshua Durham, data analytics research assistant, Wicked Problems Wicked Solutions blog
Feb 16: How liberal college students learn the downsides of a $15 minimum wage, by Sam Staley, Director, Townhall Finance, republished on Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions blog.
Feb 11: Florida’s $15 minimum wage protects labor market privilege, by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat / Gannett News Service.
Jan 13: Who will fill leadership void for conservative voters? by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat / Gannett News Service.
Jan 13: Making sense of January 6th: Trump’s capital offense, by Sam Staley, director, Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions.
Fall 2020: Policing, qualified immunity, and the rise of the warrior cop, by Sam Staley, Director, in the Journal (published by the James Madison Institute).
Sep 22: Children’s services tax is not quite ready for prime time, by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat.
Jul 14: DeSantis coronavirus leadership reflects the prudence Florida needs overall, by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat / Gannett News Service
Apr 4: Five principles to improve your virtual work space after coronavirus, by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat
Dec 17 After Biden column, I now use ‘Dr.’ when referring to my colleagues. Here’s Why, by Sam Staley, Director, Tallahassee Democrat
Jun 9: “Created Equal” provides long overdue balance to Clarence Thomas’s narrative, by Sam Staley, director, The Beacon
Jun 8: Making long-term progress on police brutality means changing incentives, by Sam Staley, director, Tallahassee Democrat / Gannett News Service
Jun 1: George Floyd and the future of police misconduct, by Sam Staley, director, The Beacon
May 17: Take lessons of empathy beyond pandemic, into the classroom, by Amber Hedquist, public affairs manager, Tallahassee Democrat.
Mar 13: Conservative activist Charlie Kirk visits FSU, sparking debate about campus climate, WFSU News
Mar 11: Florida Legislature needs to pass financial justice bill for college athletes, by Amber Hedquist, public affairs manager, Tallahassee Democrat.
- May 16: Increased public engagement will lead to better, more prosperous community, by Will Crowley, Tallahassee Democrat.
- May 13: Cascades Park analysis focused on spending, not benefits – purposefully, by Samuel R. Staley, Tallahassee Democrat.
- May 11: Technology-focused approach to community feedback needed, by Catherine Annis, Tallahassee Democrat.
- May 1: Downtown festivals about much more than just dollars, by Elizabeth Emmanuel, Tallahassee Democrat.
- Apr. 30: Study: Cascades park, infrastructure projects cost taxpayers millions more than expected, Tallahassee Democrat.
- Apr. 29: Capital City Amphitheater struggles to break even, DeVoe Moore Center study shows, Tallahassee Democrat.
- Apr. 26: Millennials MIA among U.S. entrepreneurship class: Why it really matters, by Samuel Staley,
- Apr. 25: Toll roads are the future of Florida transportation system, by Giovanna Da Silva, Tallahassee Democrat.
- Apr. 25: Cost Overruns and Public Infrastructure, Sam Staley, Catherine Annis, and Thomas Boodry in a Policy Report
- Apr. 8: Reducing the Number of Licensed Occupations Could Reduce Re-Arrest Rates, Florida Daily
- Mar. 19: Time to call it a wrap for Florida film incentives Patrick Martin in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 25: How did liberty fare at the Oscars? Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Feb. 13: Can Millennials be managed in the workplace? Kara Stanaland in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 09: The power of independent thinking… Sam Staley in Intellectual Conservative
- Jan. 23: “Green Book” wins by embracing individual human dignity Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Jan. 08: The Vice in “Vice” Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Oct. 31: How Uber exposed decades of flawed taxi regulations Samuel Staley in Inside Sources
- Jun. 16: Specificity is only thing that will sell Children’s… Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- May 17: TCC Coffee shop debacle shows where public… Mark McNees and Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 05: Study Ignores Disadvantages of Consolidation Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 01: AirBnB, Homestay, Strengthen Tourism… Catherine Annis in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jan. 21: Professor, Fellow for Work in Economics Keith Ihlanfeldt in Tallahassee Democrat
- Nov. 25: A Radical Approach to FSU’s Parking… Giovanna da Silva in Tallahassee Democrat
- Nov. 10: E-mails Reveal Mayor Gillum’s Meet-up with Lobbyist DMC in Tallahassee Democrat
- Nov. 08: City Commissioners Release FBI Subpoena Records DMC in WTXL ABC 27
- Nov. 08: City Reverses Course, Will Post FBI Records DMC in Tallahassee Democrat
- Oct. 23: Work Begins at DMC to Analyze Subpoenaed Records DMC on WCTV
- Oct. 20: Anatomy of a Deal Under FBI Scrutiny DMC in Tallahassee Democrat
- Oct. 20: Newspaper Partners with DMC to Acquire Records DMC in Tallahassee Democrat
- Oct. 08: FSU Program Gives Students Real-World Experience Val Rodriguez in Florida Flambeau
- Sep. 15: Is Trump Destroying the GOP? Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Aug. 18: Slavery and Justifications for Southern… Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Jul. 27: Entrepreneurship Key to Prison Costs Valeria Rodriguez in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jul. 10: Grand Jury Meets Tuesday for FBI Probe Sam Staley on WCTV
- Jul. 09: Tallahassee Should Adopt a People’s Budget Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jul. 08: How Jane Jacobs Challenged the Centralized Urban Planning Sam Staley in Reason
- Jun. 29: Trump’s Refreshingly Sound Infrastructure Plan… Sam Staley in The Hill
- Jun. 27: Community Redevelopment Agencies, Cronyism Matt Kelly in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jun. 26: CRA’s Draw Public Scrutiny for a Number of Reasons Sam Staley on WCTV
- Jun. 03: Time for Tallahassee to Rethink Redevelopment Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Apr. 24: Supreme Court Let’s Stand 7th Circuit… Sam Staley in Reason
- Mar. 27: From Milo Yiannopolous to Middlebury College Sam Staley in Inside Sources
- Mar. 24: Conservative Author, Filmmaker D’Souza… Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Mar. 13: Dial Back Florida’s Licensing Requirements DMC in Orlando Sentinel
- Mar. 01: Will Manhattan Land Price Seesaw in Wrong Direction” Sam Staley in The Real Deal
- Dec. 17: The Infrastructure Bank We Need Sam Staley in The Beacon
- Dec. 07: CEO Spotlight – Mark McNees, Redeye Coffee Mark McNees in TalChamber
- Dec. 05: Ben Carson and the Future of Cities Sam Staley in the Independent Institute
- Aug. 26: What Prague Teaches Us Today About Liberty Sam Staley in the Independent Institute
- Aug. 15: Fostering Entrepreneurship… Matt Kelly and Sam Staley in the Tallahassee Democrat
- Aug. 04: HBO, Netflix to Film in Florida Without Tax Incentives Sam Staley in Florida Watchdog
- Aug. 01: Social Entrepreneurship: How Gen Y Is Changing the… Kevin Gomez in GenFKD
- Jul. 11: Social Entrepreneurship Takes Root… Mark McNees in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jun. 17: 10 Things Keeping us Poor Sam Staley in Heartland
- Feb. 27: Legislators Right to be Skeptical about… Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 16: Deregulation Pressure Rubs Legislator The Wrong Way Sam Staley in WFSU
- Nov. 18: Collier, Lee Counties Pay Their Workers Better… DMC in Naples Daily News
- Sep. 25: City’s business regulations stymie investment Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jul. 07: Congressman in hot seat over questions about his finances Sam Staley in FOX News
- Jul. 05: Celebrating a Conservative Fourth of July Sam Staley in National Review Online
- May 05: Florida’s Financial Health Care Follies… Randall Holcombe in the Independent Institute
- Apr. 15: State government becoming… Randall Holcombe in Tallahassee Democrat
- Mar. 25: Center issues policy briefs based… Sam Staley and Logan Shewmaker in FSU News
- Mar. 17: Florida Lays Out the Red Carpet, and Taxpayers… Sam Staley in Florida Watchdog
- Mar. 12: Florida has a record number of open jobs… Sam Staley in Florida Watchdog
- Feb. 17: Sports stadium subsidies drain economy Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Feb. 15: Film tax credits not a good story for Florida Sam Staley in the Tampa Tribune
- Feb. 04: Will Obama tax plan sack Chargers stadium? Sam Staley in U-T San Diego
- Dec. 24: Thrasher more qualified than critics admit Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Dec. 25: Occupational licensing limits work opportunities Dan Davy in Tallahassee Democrat
- Dec. 19: Housing Bubble, Rising Caused Consumer Retail Prices… Matt Kelly in Heartlander
- Oct. 28: ‘Tiny Housing’ Movement Pits Millennials Against Regulators Matt Kelly in Heartlander
- Aug. 15: Bankrupt Detroit breaks ground on new 3.3-mile streetcar line Sam Staley in CNS News
- Jul. 16: Critics missed Moore’s point Benjamin Douglas in Tallahassee Democrat
- Apr. 28: FSU reaps big benefits from private funding Jacqueline Stine in Tallahassee Democrat
- Apr. 06: Reisist temptation to subsidize stadiums Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Jan. 30: Capitalism enables and supports democracy Sam Staley in Tallahassee Democrat
- Nov. 13: Transit Experts tell Commissioners to Emphasize Buses Sam Staley in Carolina Journal
- Nov. 12: Wake County Isn’t Crowded Enough to Support Rail… Sam Staley in News Observer
- Sep. 06: Rick Scott, Majority of Businesses Exempt from Taxes Sam Staley in PolitiFact
- Aug. 12: Hyperloop could be a reality Sam Staley in CNN
- May 23: China’s new infrastructure Sam Staley in Fortune
- Jan. 24: The unavoidable Federal debt debate impasse Sam Staley in Real Clear Markets
- Nov. 25: Fixing Chicago’s Traffic Gridlock Sam Staley in Reason Magazine
- Nov. 19: New Poverty Stats: Is FL Third Poorest State… Sam Staley in Sunshine State News
- Oct. 08: Resist the Temptation to Divert Toll Revenue Sam Staley in New York Times
- Jun. 15: Good News: Public Transit is about to Collapse Sam Staley in Reason Magazine
- Apr. 19: Does China have a Transportation Bubble? Sam Staley in Real Clear Markets
- Mar. 26: Portland Taxi Laws Crippling, Won’t Protect… Sam Staley in Huffington Post
- Mar. 18: Meddling in Housing Markets Sam Staley in Denver Post
- Mar. 15: Obama makes housing an entitlement, not an… Sam Staley in Real Clear Markets
- Mar. 06: Obama’s Vision of Homeownership: A Federally… Sam Staley in National Review
- Feb. 23: Why the Stimulus Failed Sam Staley in National Review
- Feb. 22: Affirmative-Action Case will affect Private Schools Sam Staley in National Review
- Feb. 17: Obama’s Potholed Budget Sam Staley in National Review
- Feb. 01: Housing in Dishonesty Sam Staley in National Review
- Jan. 19: Boeing Job Grab Shows Peril of Offering Tax… Sam Staley in Bloomberg Business
- Jan. 19: Decades of Highway Building and Vehicle… Sam Staley in California Progress Report
- Jan. 13: The Fed Missed the Signs, But So Did Everyone Else Sam Staley in National Review
- Jan. 04: Taxi Regulation and the Failures of Progressivism Sam Staley in The Freeman
- Dec. 02: Incentives from States to Lure Companies… Sam Staley in Columbus Dispatch
- Dec. 01: Fast Track to Nowhere Sam Staley in National Review
- Nov. 21: Stimulus Will Hurt Economy… Sam Staley in Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Oct. 11: Don’t be too Quick to Destroy Sam Staley in the New York Times
- Oct. 01: Ford Video Ad Blasts Bailouts Sam Staley in Reason Foundation
- Sep. 15: 5 Myths Behind Obama’s Infrastructure Spending Push
- Aug. 26: Bernanke Says ‘Stay the Course,’ and That’s Not… Sam Staley in National Review