Policy Reports and Policy Briefs

Our research findings are made available to academics, policymakers, and the general public through a variety of publications written by Center faculty and students. Most of our research and analysis is disseminated through policy reports and policy briefs, which are categorized by subject with links to specific studies.

Housing, Land Use, and Urban Planning

Calculating County-Level Housing Choice Voucher Gaps: A Methodology, by Shane Dabney, Cityscape of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, July 2024

Unlocking Potential by Elevating Housing Vouchers: Best Practices and Policy Insights, by Dr. Crystal Taylor, Dr. Samuel Staley, Shane Dabney, Elizabeth Miller, Eliza Terziev, Gabriel Silva, and Jake Nair, Florida Policy Project, April 2024. Edited by Katie Kelsey.

Practical Strategies for Addressing Florida’s Crisis in Housing Affordability, by Dr. Crystal Taylor, Dr. Samuel Staley, Juanchi Roca-Paisley, Arthi Solayappan, Noah Dankner, Amanda Flynn, and Abigail Graus, Florida Policy Project, June 2023.

Assessing the Effects of Local Impact Fees and Land-use Regulations on Workforce Housing in Florida, Backgrounder, James Madison Institute, December 2018. 

Regulatory Overdrive: Taxi Regulations, Market Concentration, and Service Availability, by Samuel R. Staley, Catherine Annis, and Matthew Kelly, Institute for Justice, October 2018.

Florida’s Regional Planning Councils: Compromising Property Rights and Limiting Florida’s Economic Growth, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, April 2014.

Constitutionally Mandated Land Purchases: A Flawed Approach to Environmental Protection, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, January 2014.

The Relationship between School Facility Age and Housing Sale Price, by Huston John Gibson, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, September 2009.

What Makes a Community (Un)Affordable? Evidence from Florida,by Tom Mayock, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, July 2009. 

Why Do Florida Counties Adopt Urban Growth Boundaries?, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, September 2007. 

The Regulatory Tax: Assessing and Tracking the Impact of Land Use Regulation on House Prices in Leon County, by Ron Cheung, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, March 2007.

The Effect of Land Use Regulation on Housing and Land Prices, by Keith Ihlanfeldt, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, November 2006. 

Impact Fees and the Supply of Affordable Housing in Florida, by Gregory Burge, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, May 2006.

From BID’s To RID’s: Creating “Residential Improvement Districts”, by Robert H. Nelson, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, April 2006. 

Inclusionary Zoning: Is it Right for Florida?, by Ryan West, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, November 2005. 

Planning for Growth: The Advantages of a Longer Planning Horizon, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, February 2005.

Investigating the Impact of Florida’s Growth Management Approach on the State’s Largest Cities, by Timothy S. Chapin, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, January 2005.

A Comparison of Land Use Regulation Between Leon and Wakulla Counties, by Mary Beal, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, July 2004. 

Innovation in Land Use Management Policy in Florida Cities, by In-Sung Kang, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, February 2004.

Why Has Florida’s Growth Management Act Been Ineffective?, by Randall. G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, December 2003.

Is the Ineffectiveness of Florida’s Growth Management Act a Blessing or a Curse?, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, December 2003.

The Impact of Building Restrictions on Housing Affordability, by Moriah Bellenger, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, July 2003.

Attitudes Towards Growth Management in Florida: Comparing Citizen Support in 1985 and 2001, by Tim Chapin, Charles Connerly, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, December 2002.

Florida’s Growth Management Study Commission Final Report, by Randall G. Holcombe, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, March 2001.

The Impact of Growth Management Regulations on Housing Prices, by Jerry Anthony, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, March 2001.

Economic Development & Economic Opportunity

Game of Cronies: Florida’s Taxpayers Lose Out to Crony Capitalism, by Matthew Kelly and Sam Staley, Backgrounder, James Madison Institute, May 2018.

State Economic Development Policy Falls Short, by Matthew Kelly, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center (April 2017)

Regulatory Reform and Economic Development, by Moon-Gi Jeong, Richard C. Feiock, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, October 2001.

Economic Freedom and Prosperity, by James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, April 2001.

Environmental Policy and Hazard Mitigation

Political Expression on College Campuses: The Predictive Importance of Ideological Strength, by Eli Mckown-Dawson, September 2022.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Comprehensive Plans in Mitigating Exposure of Florida Coastal Communities to Hurricane Flooding, by Tim Chapin, Robert Deyle, Jay Baker, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, November 2006.

Reduced Hazard Exposure through Growth Management? An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Florida’s Hurricane Hazard Mitigation Planning Mandates, by Tim Chapin, Robert Deyle, Jay Baker, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, March 2006.

The Failure Of Wetland Mitigation Banking To Account For Ecosystem Services, by J.B. Ruhl, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, May 2006.

Adaptive Governance and Water Conflict, by Bruce Stiftel, John Scholz, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, July 2004.

Cleanup Options for Florida’s Brownfields, by Keith Ihlanfeldt, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, October 2003. 

Public Finance, Taxation, and Regulation

A Completed Sentence, But Ongoing Punishment: How Past Criminal Convictions Bar Floridians from Occupational Licensing Opportunities, by Dr. Samuel Staley, Juanchi Roca-Paisley, and the Florida Policy Institute, March 2023.

Cost Overruns and Public Infrastructure: The Case of Tallahassee’s Cascades Park and Trail, by Samuel Staley, Catherine Annis, and Thomas Boodry, Policy Report, April 25, 2019. 

State Tax Burdens and Interstate Migration, by Nicholas Spaunburgh, Policy Insight, DeVoe Moore Center, July 2018. 

Mapping Regulatory Efficiency: Telecommunications Tower Development in Tallahassee, by Samuel Staley and Matthew Kelly, Policy Report, DeVoe L. Moore Center, July 2016.

Tax Increment Financing and Urban Redevelopment Strategies in Florida, by Heather Khan, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, November 2009.

Population Density and Municipal Government Expenditures, by Randall G. Holcombe, DeEdgra W. Williams, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, October 2007. 

The Effects of Impact Fees on Housing and Land Markets, by Keith Ihlanfeldt, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, August 2002.

Transportation and Infrastructure

School Siting & Healthy Communities, by Rebecca Miles, Tracy Suber, Ruth Steiner, Sandra Whitehead, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, January 2009. 

Green Infrastructure Connectivity for Public Health in Florida, by Christopher Coutts, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, October 2008. 

Rethinking the Florida Transportation Concurrency Mandate, by Tim Chapin, Greg Thompson, Jeff Brown, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, March 2008.

Findings from a Review of Local Government Concurrency Practices in Florida, by Tim Chapin, Policy Brief, DeVoe L. Moore Center, September 2005.