Undergraduate Program

The Department of Urban and Regional Planning offers a Minor for undergraduates interested in planning and urban affairs. It can complement an existing major for those students who wish to develop an appreciation of planning or who wish to lay the foundation for graduate study in planning. Because of the variety of issues and contexts within which planners work, there is no one undergraduate background that is more important than others universally. Students may combine their interests in planning and urban affairs with undergraduate majors in a variety of social sciences, physical or natural sciences, business, engineering, design professions, communications, criminology and criminal justice, and others. The undergraduate Minor is designed for students who wish to apply their major field to problems and issues in planning and urban affairs. Students may earn a Minor in Urban and Regional Planning by completing a four-course sequence that is comprised of three required courses and one elective course selected from among the 4000-level courses taught in the department.

Required Courses:

  • URS 1006 World Cities (Prerequisite: none)
  • URP 3000 Introduction to Planning and Urban Development (Prerequisite: none)
  • URP 4022 Collective Decision-Making (Prerequisite: URP 3000)

Students Can Also Take Planning Courses to Satisfy Liberal Studies or Multi-Cultural Requirements!

  • URS 1006 (World Cities) satisfies the Liberal Studies Requirement.
  • Three planning courses are approved for Multicultural credit:
    • URS 1006 (World Cities)
    • URP 4618 (Planning for Developing Areas)
    • URP 4402 (Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas)

For more details about our undergraduate offerings, please visit the Department of Urban and Regional Planning in 330 Bellamy, e-mail durp@coss.fsu.edu, or phone at (850) 644-4510.