Katherine Yewell, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Ph.D. in Economics from Vanderbilt University in 2020. Dr. Yewell joined the Department of Economics as an Assistant Professor in 2023. Her research analyzes the effects of public policies on maternal and child health outcomes, food security, and household decision-making, as well as the effects of changes in hospital markets on quality of care.
Specializations: Health Economics, Applied Microeconomics
Research Activities
Selected Publications
Lawler, Emily C., and Katherine G. Yewell. “The Effect of Hospital Postpartum Care Regulations on Breastfeeding and Maternal Time Allocation,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 15(4), October 2023.
Marcus, Michelle, and Katherine G. Yewell. “The Effect of Free School Meals on Household Food Purchases: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision,” Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 84, July 2022. Previously circulated as NBER working paper 29395.

Katherine Yewell
Assistant Professor
BEL 283