Keith Ihlanfeldt, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in Economics from Washington University in 1978. Dr. Ihlanfeldt is a Professor of Economics and the Devoe Moore Eminent Scholar within the Florida State University College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. From 2003 to 2013 he was director of the Devoe Moore Center within the College. Prior to coming to Florida State University in 2000 he was a faculty member of the Andrew Young School at Georgia State University in Atlanta for 19 years. He has also taught at Old Dominion University, University of Dayton, University of Missouri at St. Louis, and Washington University at St. Louis. His undergraduate college days were spent at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois, where he was an Academic All-American Football Player at defensive end. His fields of interest include urban and regional economics, local public finance, and labor economics. He has published over 100 articles and book chapters. The articles have appeared mostly in field journals, such as the Journal of Urban Economics and the Journal of Law and Economics, but he has also published in general interest journals, including the American Economic Review, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Inquiry, and the Southern Economic Journal. In 2009 he was named a Fellow of the Regional Science Association, International. More recently he was named the Halbert C. Smith Honorary Fellow for 2018 by the Homer Hoyt Institute. He has served on the editorial boards of nine different economics and public policy journals and has edited special issues for the Journal of Regional Science, Urban Studies, and the Journal of Housing Economics.
Awards & Honors
Who’s Who in Economics, 4th Edition, 2003, edited by Mark Blaug and Howard Vane, Edward Elgar Publishing. Identified as among the 700 most cited economists worldwide.
Elected a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International. Poland, 2009. At the time of election 50 Fellows had been elected worldwide.
Ranked among the top 5% of economists worldwide by RePec Ideas.
Named 2018 Halbert C. Smith Honorary Fellow, Homer Hoyt Institute, Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics.
Lifetime Achievement Award FSU College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Outstanding Research Award, 2023
Selected Publications
“Identifying the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values,” D.R. Bowes, K.R. Ihlanfeldt, Journal of Urban Economics 50 (1), 1-25 1194, 2001
“The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: A Review of Recent Studies and their Implications for Welfare Reform,” K.R. Ihlanfeldt, D.L. Sjoquist, Housing Policy Debate 9 (4), 849-892 1013, 1998
“The Effect of Land Use Regulation on Housing and Land Prices,” K.R. Ihlanfeldt, Journal of Urban Economics 61 (3), 420-435 588, 2007

Keith Ihlanfeldt
DeVoe Moore Eminent Scholar and Professor of Economics
Specialization: Urban and Regional Economics
Bellamy 274