Luke Boosey, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in Social Science from the California Institute of Technology in 2013. Dr. Boosey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at FSU, the Lab Director for the XS/FS Experimental Social Science Laboratory, and the Graduate Placement Director. He uses theory and experiments to understand strategic behavior in a wide range of environments, with particular interest in the importance of network structure and connections for behavior in competitive and collaborative environments, as well as the effects of information disclosure on decision-making. His research has been published in several academic outlets including Management Science, Games and Economic Behavior, and the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Selected Publications
Boosey, Luke A., R. Mark Isaac, and Abhijit Ramalingam (2024). “Limiting the leader: Fairness concerns and opportunism in team production.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 218, 209–244.
Boosey, Luke A. and Sebastian J. Goerg (2020). “The timing of discretionary bonuses: effort, signals, and reciprocity.” Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 254–280.
Boosey, Luke A., Philip Brookins, and Dmitry Ryvkin (2020). “Information disclosure in contests with endogenous entry: An experiment.” Management Science, 66(11), 5128–5150.
Boosey, Luke A., Philip Brookins, and Dmitry Ryvkin (2017). “Contests with group size uncertainty: Experimental evidence.” Games and Economic Behavior, 105, 212–229.
Luke Boosey
Associate Professor, Placement Director, & Lab Director for the XS/FS: Experimental Social Science Lab
Bellamy 269