Anthony M. Kwasnica, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in Social Science from the California Institute of Technology in 2000. Dr. Kwasnica is the Rod and Hope Brim Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics at Florida State University. He studies the role of private information in economic systems. He conducts both theoretical and experimental (laboratory) research on how individuals and institutions respond to these situations.
Dr. Kwasnica has conducted experiments that have been used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to consider new designs for the broadband spectrum auctions. Likewise, Dr. Kwasnica has investigated the susceptibility of various auction designs to collusion.
In the past, Dr. Kwasnica has been contracted by the FCC to conduct an experimental examination of horizontal concentration limits in the cable television industry. He has also worked with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on the design of markets to predict global instability. He has conducted National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored research on decision making and the weather. More recently, he has participated in DARPA funded research on using AI to predict the replicability of research findings and Sloan Foundation funded research on electricity market design.
Ph.D. 2000, Social Science, California Institute of Technology.
M.S. 1997, Social Science, California Institute of Technology.
B.A. 1994, Economics, University of Arizona.
Research Activities
Specializations: Experimental Economics, Game Theory
Research Interests: Auctions, Market Design, Decision making under uncertainty
Selected Publications
Kogan, Shimon, Anthony M. Kwasnica, and Roberto Weber, “Coordination in the Presence of Asset Markets” American Economic Review. 101(2):927-47, April 2011.
Davis, Andrew M., Elena Katok, and Anthony M. Kwasnica, “Do Auctioneers Pick Optimal Reserve Prices?” Management Science. 57(1):177-192, January 2011.
Kwasnica, Anthony M., Christine DeMartini, John Ledyard, and David Porter, “A New and Improved Design for Multi-Object Iterative Auctions” Management Science. 51(3):419–434, March 2005.

Anthony Kwasnica
Rod and Hope Brim Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics & Cluster Director for the XS/FS: Experimental Social Science Lab
Specialization: Experimental Economics, Game Theory
Areas of Interest: Auctions, Market Design, Decision making under uncertainty
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