Tuba Tuncel


Tuba Tuncel, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics, France in 2017. Dr. Tuncel is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Florida State University. She works on topics in health economics and industrial organization, focusing on regulation, innovation, and firm behavior in the pharmaceutical industry.

Research Activities

Specializations: Applied Microeconomics, Health Economics, Industrial Organization

Selected Publications

Should Off-Label Drug Prescriptions be Prevented? Empirical Evidence from France  Forthcoming at the Review of Economic Studies

Hammitt, J.K., and T. Tunçel, (2023), “Monetary values of increasing life expectancy: Sensitivity to shifts of the survival curve”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 67, 239-269.

Dubois, P. and T. Tunçel (2021), “Identifying the Effects of Scientific Information and Recommendations on Physicians’ Prescribing Behavior”, Journal of Health Economics, vol.78.

Hammitt, J.K. and T. Tunçel (2015), “Preferences for Life-Expectancy Gains: Sooner or Later?”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 51(1), 79-101.

Tunçel, T. and J.K. Hammit (2014), “A New Meta-Analysis on the WTP/WTA Disparity”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68, 175-187.