The program culminates in an Applied Master’s Project, conducted during the summer. This capstone project provides experiential learning in economic research, from data analysis to presenting findings. Students refine their skills in structured meetings, formal presentations, and technical writing. A symposium in July is attended by professionals who evaluate the project presentations.
2024 Projects
- An Analysis of Florida Property Insurance Legislation
- Removing the “Paper Ceiling for Florida’s State Employees
- The Workers Compensation System in Florida: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Defense Attorneys
- Social Media and the State of Florida: A Fiscal Analysis of the Online Protection for Minors Law
- Economic Impact of Additive Manufacturing in Leon County
- Florida Forever: An Evaluation of Environmental Conservation Efforts
“The applied project allowed us the autonomy to work through a difficult problem, however, the support of the senior partner was also helpful. I can imagine taking the skills learned into the workforce. Specifically working with others for the length of time, problem solving, time management, the coding, working through a length and difficult problem, working with real world data, and working closely with a ‘supervisor’. I can imagine this process is much like a regular work environment.” —Class of 2024
2023 Projects
Executive Summaries 2023
Watch the 2023 Symposium
- Economic Impact of Build Back Better Plan on Osceola County
- Cost Benefit Analysis of a Clean Slate Act in Florida
- Medicaid Housing Assistance Waiver Pilot Program Analysis
- Economic Analysis of Utility-Scale Solar
- Hamilton County Economic Development Analysis
- Property Tax Impacts of Florida’s Universal School Voucher Bill
2022 Projects
Executive Summaries 2022
Watch the 2022 Symposium
- Jackson County Economic Development
- Cost and Benefit of Florida Voluntary Pre-K Expansion
- Medicaid Expansion in Florida
- Net Metering Policy Alternatives in Florida
- Economic Impact of Increasing Florida’s Labor Force Participation Rate for People with Disabilities
- Assessing the Fiscal Impact of Sea Level Rise in Florida
2021 Projects
- Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage on Employment and Public Benefits
- Economic and Fiscal Effects of Remote Workers in Florida
- The Economic Impact of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund in Florida
- Analysis of Brownfield Redevelopment in Florida
- The Florida College System Economic Mobility Scorecard: Increasing the Educational Attainment of Florida’s Low-Income Students
- The Impact of a Medical Respite Care Center in Leon County
2019 Projects
- Congestion on 30A: Exploring the economic impact of implementing transit service on CR-30A
- Estimating the Economic Impact of Increases in the Minimum Wage
- The Local Economic Impact of Florida State University Athletics
- Interactive Tool: Data-Driven Approach to Maximizing Digital Ad Revenue
- Benefits of Helping 10 Percent of Floridians in Poverty out of Poverty
- Predicting Escalation of Musculoskeletal Care
2018 Projects
- Santa Rosa County Business Incubator
- Assessment Limitation on Nonhomestead Properties: An Analysis of Florida Amendment 2
- The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Florida’s Employment
- Florida Capitol Relocation: An Economic Impact Analysis
- What Drives the Florida Economy?
- Pay to Park: Improving the Parking Congestion at Florida State University
- Predicting Patient Classification
- Predicting Procedure Escalation
- Reducing NOx Emissions: Utilizing the VW Trust to Upgrade Transit Buses