The Department of Economics offers the opportunity for economics majors to earn Honors in the Major. The Honors in the Major program is designed to encourage talented juniors and seniors to undertake independent and original research as part of their undergraduate experience. Honors in the Major is excellent preparation for graduate and professional study.
To graduate with Honors in Economics, a student conducts independent research under the guidance of a faculty member, completes an honors thesis based on the research, and defends the thesis before a faculty committee. Completion and defense of the thesis usually occurs in the term in which the student expects to graduate. Honors students earn three hours credit at the 4000-level each term for two or three terms. The student must earn at least six hours of Honors in the Major credit and maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA. Effective in the Fall 2014 catalog year, Economics majors may count no more than six (6) thesis hours (ECO 4934) toward major elective requirements.
Eligibility for Honors in the Major requires that a student have at least 60 and normally 75 hours of college credit, including at least twelve hours of graded courses at FSU, with a 3.2 cumulative GPA on all college work attempted and on all FSU work. Students must apply and be accepted into Honors in the Major by the FSU Honors Program before registering for Honors in the Major credit in economics.
Students interested in participating in the Honors in the Major program in economics should begin making inquiries of appropriate faculty members at least two semesters and preferably three semesters prior to the intended semester of graduation. A student who has identified a faculty member and a topic in advance and is ready to begin research in the first semester can usually complete the requirements for Honors in the Major in two semesters. A student who needs time to develop a topic may wish to allow three semesters to complete the requirements. All students must adhere to the timelines specified by the Honors Program for Honors in the Major.
A student interested in working with a particular faculty member should meet with that faculty member to discuss possible research areas and topics. A student interested in a particular area of economics or in a particular topic should identify a faculty member with interest and expertise in that area or topic and meet with the faculty member.
Students are invited and encouraged to seek assistance and guidance from the Undergraduate Director in Economics. Students should also consult the FSU Honors Program website for more detailed information on Honors in the Major.