Anne Chin


Anne Chin, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Geography from Arizona State University in 1994. Dr. Chin is an environmental geographer whose interdisciplinary research focuses on human interactions with geomorphological and ecological processes in river landscapes. Her work on coupled human-landscape dynamics also concerns societal responses to landscape change, with implications and applications for environmental management and policy.

Dr. Chin joined Florida State University in July 2024, after serving on the faculty at the University of Colorado Denver for 14 years, and at Texas A&M University for 13 years. She is founding Editor-in-Chief of Anthropocene (Elsevier; since 2012)—an international and interdisciplinary journal focused on advancing research on human interactions with Earth systems. She was also editor of Earth Science Reviews from 2011-2013, and Director of the Geography and Spatial Sciences Program of the National Science Foundation in 2006-2007.

Her awards include the Distinguished Career Award from the Geological Society of America; the G.K. Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphological Research from the American Association of Geographers; and from Texas A&M, the Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching and Montague Scholar Award. Dr. Chin is a Fellow of the American Association of Geographers and a Fellow of the Geological Society of America.


Ph.D. (1994) Arizona State University, Geography (fluvial geomorphology)

B.A. (1983) University of California, Los Angeles, Geography (ecosystems analysis)

Selected Publications


Chin A, Burton J, Humphreys KM, Florsheim JL, Kinoshita AM, Andreano EC, Eckermann T. Vegetation and channel recovery ten years following the Waldo Canyon Fire of Colorado. In: Florsheim JL, O’Dowd AP, Chin A, eds., Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems: Geological Society of America Paper 562 p.27-42


O’Dowd AP, Solverson AP, Chin A, Ecological response of step-pool streams to wildfire in the Front Range of Colorado (USA). In: Florsheim JL, O’Dowd AP, Chin A, eds., Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems: Geological Society of America Paper 562, p. 79-94.


Chin A, Implications of a storm event for understanding adjustment of dryland urban channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Chin A, O’Dowd AP, Mendez P, Velasco K, Florsheim JL, Laurencio LR, Leventhal R, Toward natural approaches in restoration: experiments of co-evolving physical and biological structures in a self-organizing step-pool channel. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.3851.


Chin A, Simon GL, Anthamatten P, Kelsey KC, Crawford BR, Weaver AJ, Pandemics and the future of human-landscape interactions. Anthropocene 31:100256

Chin A, Cui X, Gillson L, Nelson D, Taylor MP, Vanacker V, Wang E, Anthropocene in an age of pandemics. Anthropocene 30:100247.


Chin A, Solverson AP, O’Dowd AP, Florsheim JL, Kinoshita AM, Nourbakhshbeidokhti S, Sellers SM, Tyner L, Gidley R, Interacting geomorphic and ecological response of step-pool streams after wildfire. Geological Society of America Bulletin 131(9-10):1480-1500.


Gregory KJ, Chin A, Evaluation of the imprint of urban channel adjustment and management. Geographical Journal 184:269-282.


Chin A, Gidley R, Tyner L, Gregory KJ, Adjustment of dryland stream channels over four decades of urbanization. Anthropocene 20:24-36.

Anne Chin

Harrison V. Chase Distinguished Professor and Chairperson of Geography

Bellamy 323

Curriculum Vitae