Bradford Johnson


Ph.D. Geography, University of Georgia, 2018
M.S. Meteorology, Florida State University, 2012

Courses Taught

  • Geography of Climate Change and Storms
  • GIS Databases
  • Physical Geography
  • Programming for GIS
  • Urban Climate and GIS

Awards & Honors

  • Fellow, Kavli Frontiers of Science, National Academies of Science, 2022
  • Inaugural member, AMS Early Career Leadership Academy, 2018

Research Activities

Assessment of regional climate sensitivity to urbanization
Investigating the utility of AI/ML in urban rainfall predictability
Comparing heat island sensitivity and observation on the neighborhood scale
Determining the migration impacts of urban growth on regional climate

Selected Publications

Johnson, B.D., M.D. Williams, J.M. Shepherd, 2021: Urbanization and Winter Precipitation: A Case Study Analysis of Land Surface Sensitivity. Atmosphere, 12, 805.

Shepherd J.M., S.J. Burian, M. Jin, C. Liu, and B. Johnson, 2020: Two Decades of Urban Hydroclimatological Studies Have Yielded Discovery and Societal Benefits. In: Levizzani V., Kidd C., Kirschbaum D., Kummerow C., Nakamura K., Turk F. (eds) Satellite Precipitation Measurement. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 69. Springer, Cham.

Sandgathe, S., B. R. Brown, J. C. Carman, J. M. Infanti, B. Johnson, D. McCarren, and E. McIlvain, 2020: Exploring the Need for Reliable Decadal Prediction. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101, E141–E145,

Haupt, S., S. Hanna, M. Askleson, M. Shepherd, M. Fragomeni, N. Debbage, and B. Johnson, 2019: 100 Years of Scientific Research at AMS, 100 years of Progress in Applied Meteorology. Part II: Applications that Address Growing Populations. Meteorological Monographs.

Sandgathe, S., J. Carman, B. Johnson, and E. McIlvain, 2018: Bridging The Gap Between Climate And Weather. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,

Johnson, B.D. and J. M. Shepherd, 2018: An Urban-based Climatology of Winter Precipitation in the Northeast United States. Urban Climate, June 2018, 24, 205-220,

Bradford Johnson

Assistant Professor

Bellamy 302

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Curriculum Vitae