Emily Billo


Emily Billo, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Geography from Syracuse University in 2012.


Ph.D. Geography, Syracuse University, 2012
M.R.P, Regional Planning, Cornell University, 2006
B.A. Environmental Studies, Middlebury College, 2000

Selected Publications

Forthcoming. Hanrahan, K. and E. Billo. Embodied listening: Disrupting speech-as-presence towards imaginative ways of being in the classroom. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.

2021. Billo, E. Building solidarities: Methodological dilemmas and progressive politics in Intag, Ecuador. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(2): 383-428 contribution to a special issue: Extraction, entanglements, and (im)materialities: Reflections on the methods and methodologies of natural resource industries fieldwork (A. Johnson and A. Zalik, editors).

2020. Billo, E. Patriarchy and progressive politics: Gendered resistance to mining through everyday social relations of state formation in Intag, Ecuador. Human Geography 13(1): 16-26. Contribution to a special issue: Women’s Everyday Resistance to the Extractive Industry (M. A. Caretta and S. Zaragocín, editors).

2020. Billo, E. Gendering indigenous subjects: an institutional ethnography of corporate social responsibility in Ecuador. Gender, Place & Culture 27(8): 1134-54.

Emily Billo

Associate Professor


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