Emily Billo, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Geography from Syracuse University in 2012.
Selected Publications
Forthcoming. Hanrahan, K. and E. Billo. Embodied listening: Disrupting speech-as-presence towards imaginative ways of being in the classroom. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.
2021. Billo, E. Building solidarities: Methodological dilemmas and progressive politics in Intag, Ecuador. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4(2): 383-428 contribution to a special issue: Extraction, entanglements, and (im)materialities: Reflections on the methods and methodologies of natural resource industries fieldwork (A. Johnson and A. Zalik, editors).
2020. Billo, E. Patriarchy and progressive politics: Gendered resistance to mining through everyday social relations of state formation in Intag, Ecuador. Human Geography 13(1): 16-26. Contribution to a special issue: Women’s Everyday Resistance to the Extractive Industry (M. A. Caretta and S. Zaragocín, editors).
2020. Billo, E. Gendering indigenous subjects: an institutional ethnography of corporate social responsibility in Ecuador. Gender, Place & Culture 27(8): 1134-54.