Tyler McCreary, Ph.D, earned his doctorate in Geography from York University in 2014.
Ph.D. Geography, York University, 2014
M.A. Geography, University of Saskatchewan, 2007
B.A. Sociology, University of Saskatchewan, 2004
Selected Publications
· McCreary, Tyler. 2024. Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities: Colonial Extractivism and Wet’suwet’en Resistance. University of Alberta Press.
· Lawhon, Mary & Tyler McCreary. 2023. Enough! A Modest Political Ecology for an Uncertain Future. Agenda Publishing.
· Dorries, Heather, Robert Henry, David Hugill, Tyler McCreary, & Julie Tomiak (eds.). 2019. Settler City Limits: Indigenous Resurgence and Colonial Violence in the Urban Prairie West. University of Manitoba Press and Michigan State University Press.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2018. Shared Histories: Witsuwit’en-Settler Relations in Smithers, British Columbia, 1913-1973. Creekstone Press. (Winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing, Jeanne Clarke Award for Regional History, and Jim Pojar Award for Outstanding Publication on Sustainability).
· McCreary, Tyler & Rebecca Hall. Forthcoming. The Healer, the Witch, and the Law: The Settler Magic that Criminalized Indigenous Medicine Men as Frauds and Normalized Colonial Violence as Care. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
· Murnaghan, Ann Marie & Tyler McCreary. Forthcoming. Indigenous Children in Canadian Cinema: Ethnographic Explorations and National Narratives in the Early Films of Harlan Ingersoll Smith and Alanis Obomsawin. In Stuart Aitken and Jake Rowlett (eds.), The Film Landscapes of Global Youth: Imagining Young Lives, 102-115. Routledge.
· Levey, Madeline & Tyler McCreary. Forthcoming. IUD Counseling and the Gynecological Gaze: The Biopolitics of Clinical Shared Decision-Making in the US. Gender, Place, and Culture.
· Lawhon, Mary & Tyler McCreary. 2023. Making UBI Radical: On the Potential for a Universal Basic Income to Underwrite Transformative and Anti-Kyriarchal Change. Economy and Society 52(2): 349-372.
· Schmitz, Frank & Tyler McCreary. 2022. To Court without the Corps? The US Army Corps of Engineers and Florida v Georgia. Southeastern Geographer 62(4): 298-317.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2022. Crisis in the Tar Sands: Fossil Capitalism and the Future of the Alberta Hydrocarbon Economy. Historical Materialism 30(1): 31–65.
· Bledsoe, Adam, Tyler McCreary, & Willie Jamaal Wright. 2022. Theorizing Diverse Economies in the Context of Racial Capitalism. Geoforum 132: 281-290.
· Ruff, Elizabeth, Tyler McCreary, & Sarah Lester. 2022. Existing Foundations, Emerging Discourses, and Unexplored Potential for a Maricultural Geography. Geoforum 131: 1-11.
· Gergan, Mabel & Tyler McCreary. 2022. Disrupting Infrastructures of Colonial Hydro-Modernity: Lepcha and Dakelh Struggles Against Temporal and Territorial Displacements. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 112(3): 789-798.
· Jones, Caitlin & Tyler McCreary. 2022. Zombie Automobility. Mobilities 17(1): 19-36.
· McCreary, Tyler & Vanessa Lamb. 2022. Reflections on a Political Ecology of Sovereignty: Engaging International Law and the Map. In Usha Natarajan & Julia Dehm (eds.), Locating Nature: Making and Unmaking International Law, 134-158. Cambridge University Press.
· McCreary, Tyler & Shauna Wouters. 2022. Pandemic Pipelines: How Essential Service Declarations Enabled Extractive Infrastructure Development under the Cover of COVID-19. In Nicholas D. Spence and Fatih Sekercioglu (eds.), Indigenous Health and Well-Being in the COVID-19 Pandemic, 239-254. Routledge.
· Lawhon, Mary, Maya Henderson, & Tyler McCreary. 2021. Neither More nor Less, but Enough: Towards a Modest Political Ecology of the Future. Political Geography 88: 102376.
· Milligan, Richard, Tyler McCreary, & Na’Taki Osbourne Jelks. 2021. Improvising against the Racial State in Atlanta: Reimagining Agency in Environmental Justice. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39(7): 1586-1605.
· Holmes, Tisha, John Mathias, Tyler McCreary, & James Elsner. 2021. What’s the Problem with Disaster? Anthropology, Social Work, and the Qualitative Slot. Qualitative Social Work 20(6): 1496-1516.
· McCreary, Tyler & Richard Milligan. 2021. The Limits of Liberal Recognition: Racial Capitalism, Settler Colonialism, and Environmental Governance in Vancouver and Atlanta. Antipode 53(3): 724-744.
· Allen, Doug & Tyler McCreary. 2021. Performing Black Life: The FAMU Marching 100 and the Black Aesthetic Politics of Disruption, Presence, and Affirmation. cultural geographies 28(1): 41-55. https://doi-org/10.1177/1474474020931536
· Mills, Suzanne & Tyler McCreary. 2021. Which Side Are You On? Union Engagement with Indigenous Peoples in Canada. In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage (eds.), Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada, 2nd Ed., 133-151. Fernwood Publishing.
· McCreary, Tyler & Ann Marie Murnaghan. 2020. Remixed Methodologies in Community-Based Film Research. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien 64(4): 576-589.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2020. Between the Commodity and the Gift: The Coastal GasLink Pipeline and the Contested Temporalities of Canadian and Witsuwit’en Law. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 11: 122–145. https://doi-org /10.4337/9781800881099.00010
· Jackson, April, Tisha Holmes, & Tyler McCreary. 2020. Gown Goes to Town: Negotiating Mutually Beneficial Relationships Between College Students, City Planners, and a Historically Marginalized African American Neighborhood. Societies 10: 61.
· Lawhon, Mary & Tyler McCreary. 2020. Beyond Jobs vs Environment: On the Potential of Universal Basic Income to Reconfigure Environmental Politics. Antipode 52(2): 430-451.
· Wright, Willie Jamaal, Tyler McCreary, Brian Williams, & Adam Bledsoe. 2020. Race, Land, and the Law: Black Farmers and the Limits of a Politics of Recognition. In Ashanté M. Reese & Hanna Garth (eds.), Black Food Matters: Racial Justice in the Wake of Food Justice, 228-250. University of Minnesota Press.
· McCreary, Tyler & Ann Marie Murnaghan. 2019. The Educational Work of a National Museum: Creating Knowledgeable Young Citizens in Ottawa, Canada. Children’s Geographies 17(6): 635–648.
· Pierce, Joseph, Mary Lawhon, & Tyler McCreary. 2019. From Precarious Work to Obsolete Labour? Implications of Technological Disemployment for Geographical Scholarship. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 10(2), 84-101.
· McCreary, Tyler & Jerome Turner. 2018. The Contested Scales of Indigenous and Settler Jurisdiction: Unist’ot’en Struggles with Canadian Pipeline Governance. Studies in Political Economy 99(3): 223-245.
· Milligan, Richard & Tyler McCreary. 2018. Between Kitimat LNG Terminal and Monkey Beach: Literary-Geographic Methods and the Politics of Recognition in Resource Governance on Haisla Territory. GeoHumanities 4(1): 45-65.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2016. Historicizing the Encounter Between State, Corporate, and Indigenous Authorities on Gitxsan Lands. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 33(3): 163-197.
· McCreary, Tyler, Suzanne Mills, & Anne St-Amand. 2016. Lands and Resources for Jobs: How Aboriginal Peoples Strategically Use Environmental Assessments to Advance Community Employment Aims. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques 42(2): 212-223.
· Murnaghan, Ann Marie & Tyler McCreary. 2016. Projections of Race, Nature, and Ethnographic Childhood in Early Educational Cinema at the National Museum of Canada. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 98(1): 37-53.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2014. The Burden of Sovereignty: Court Configurations of Indigenous and State Authority in Aboriginal Title Litigation in Canada. North American Dialogue 17(2): 64-78.
· McCreary, Tyler, & Richard Milligan. 2014. Pipelines, Permits, and Protests: Carrier Sekani Encounters with the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project. cultural geographies 21(1): 115-129.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2014. Beyond Token Recognition: The Growing Movement against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. In Toban Black, Stephen D’Arcy, Tony Weis, and Joshua Kahn Russell (eds.) A Line in the Tar Sands: Struggles for Environmental Justice, 146-159. Between the Lines and PM Press.
· Mills, Suzanne & Tyler McCreary. 2013. Negotiating Neoliberal Empowerment: Aboriginal People, Educational Restructuring, and Academic Labour in the North of British Columbia, Canada. Antipode 45(5): 1298-1317.
· McCreary, Tyler. 2013. Mining Aboriginal Success: The Politics of Difference in Continuing Education for Industry Needs. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien 57(3): 280-288.
· Budhwa, Rick & Tyler McCreary. 2013. Reconciling Cultural Resource Management with Indigenous Geographies: The Importance of Connecting Research with People and Place. In Jay T. Johnson and Soren C. Larsen (eds.) A Deeper Sense of Place: Stories and Journeys of Indigenous-Academic Collaboration, 195-214. Oregon State University Press.