- Ph.D. Geography, University of Bristol, 1995
- M.A. Geography, The Ohio State University, 1991
- B.A. Geography, University of Leicester, 1989
Research Activities
- Integration of GIS and remote sensing
- Urban image spectral/spatial/temporal interpretation and classification
- Urban morphological analysis
- Disaggregate representation of population
Selected Publications
- Myint S.W. Mesev V. Quattrochi D. Wentz E.A. 2025. Remote Sensing Handbook, Volume II. Image Processing, Change Detection, GIS, and Spatial Data Analysis, 50-65. CRC Press.
- Strode G. and Mesev V. 2021. Bivariate representation of population density using public and private drinking and wastewater infrastructure. International Cartographic Association
- Strode G. Mesev V. Bleisch S. Ziewitz K. Reed F. Morgan J.D. 2020. Exploratory bivariate and multivariate geovisualizations of social vulnerability index. Cartographic Perspectives. 95. DOI: 10.14714/CP95.1569.
- Strode G. Morgan J.D. Thornton B. Mesev V. Rau E. Shortes S. Johnson N. 2020. Operationalizing Trumbo’s principles of bivariate choropleth map design. Cartographic Perspectives, 94. DOI: 10.14714/CP94.1538.
- Rahman S. Mesev V. 2019. Change vector analysis, tasseled cap, and NDVI-NDMI for measuring land use/cover changes caused by a sudden short-term severe drought: 2011 Texas event. Remote Sensing, 11(19), 2217. DOI: 10.3390/rs11192217.
- Mesev V. 2019. Special issue editorial: Remote sensing for urban morphology. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 2986. DOI: 10.3390/rs11242986.
- Mesev V. 2019. Special issue editorial: Remote sensing for urban morphology. Remote Sensing. 5pp. (in press).
- Strode G. Mesev V. Maantay J. 2018. Improving dasymetric population estimates for land parcels: Data pre-processing steps. Southeastern Geographer 58(3) 300–316. DOI: 1353/sgo.2018.0030.
- Xie Y. Sha Z. Mesev V. 2018. Special issue editorial: Remote sensing of sustainable ecosystems. Journal of Sensors. 2pp. DOI: 10.1155/2018/9683415.
- Mesev V. 2017. Spatial filtering. In Doug Richardson (Ed-in-Chief) International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment & Technology (Online Update) Wiley-Blackwell.
- Elsner J.B. Fricker T. Jagger T.H. Mesev V. 2016. Statistical models for predicting tornado rates: Case studies from Oklahoma and the Mid South USA. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 6(1) 1–9.
- Mesev V. 2016. Spatial filtering. In D. Richardson (Editor-in-chief) International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley-Blackwell.