Undergraduate students interested in a graduate degree in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) may be eligible to apply for the Bachelors/Master’s Pathways Program. The GIScience Pathway will help you build strong skills in geographic information technologies (GIS, spatial analysis and modeling, remote sensing, geovisualization, etc.) which can help expand your professional opportunities. The combined MS GIS pathways program allows you to share or double count, up to 12 graduate credit hours between your undergraduate degree AND the master’s degree in GIScience, both must be earned at FSU.
Please read over the entire Pathways Program guide below. For advising and/or questions on the MS GIS Pathways program, please reach out to the Academic Program Specialist.
Overview of Requirements and Policies
- Complete the following requirements:
- Complete (4) GIS4043/L – Intro to GIS & Lab with a grade of B or higher.
- Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Junior or Senior status to begin graduate-level courses.
- Apply to be added to the GIS Pathway program as an Undergraduate student.
- Register for Graduate level courses.
- Submit a Graduate Application for the term you plan to begin the Graduate program.
- Spring 2025 Deadline: October 1st
- Fall 2025 Deadline: July 1st
- $30 application fee
- Submit your resume/CV, transcripts, statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation.
Start the Graduate Program as an FSU Undergraduate
Students in the Bachelor/MS GIS Pathways Program are expected to start the Graduate Program the term (Spring or Fall) after completing their Undergraduate Studies. Applications submitted in the immediate semester after graduating will receive priority consideration (3.0 GPA or higher is required). Students applying more than one semester after completing their undergraduate studies will be considered alongside other applicants.
Once an MSGIS Pathways student is admitted into the graduate program, they can request one semester off with the approval from the Graduate Director. Leave of absence or 2 or more consecutive semesters off (e.g. due to medical or personal hardship) requires a formal process of approvals. Students who take 2 or more consecutive semesters off without approval will be discontinued from the program and will need to reapply.
Graduate-level courses approved to double count in Undergraduate and Graduate studies will be transferred to count in both degrees’ regardless of when a student starts the graduate program.
Important policies for taking Graduate level courses as an Undergraduate student at FSU:
Students who choose to pursue a degree at another institution are not guaranteed the ability to transfer graduate coursework earned as part of a combined pathways program at FSU to count in that other institution’s program(s).
Graduate-level courses must be completed with a B- or higher to count in the Graduate Degree.
Students can double count up to 12 credit hours, ONLY 6 hours per semester.
Requirements to Join the MS GIS Pathways Program
Step 1: Complete Undergraduate Requirements
- Complete the following course with a grade of B or higher:
- (4) GIS4043/L – Intro to GIS & Lab
- Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Junior or Senior Status to begin graduate-level courses.
How to Apply
Step 2: Applying to the GIS Combined Pathways
Currently enrolled undergraduate students at FSU may qualify for the Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways where up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate-level coursework will count towards requirements for both degree programs (BA/BS and MS). The Combined Pathways only accepts applications for the spring and fall semesters.
For Combined Pathway coursework beginning in a specified semester | Application deadline |
Fall | July 1 |
Spring | November 1 |
Once you have satisfied the above requirements, you will contact the Academic Program Specialist to be added to the Combined Pathways Program. Once you are added you will be eligible to take graduate-level courses and begin your graduate application.
Registering for Graduate-level Courses
Step 3: Registering for Graduate Level courses as an Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate students can take 6 hours of Graduate coursework per semester and up to 12 hours to double count toward their FSU Undergraduate degree AND their FSU Master’s degree in GIScience.
Submit a Request to take Graduate Classes
A “Request to take Graduate Classes Form” must be submitted to the registrar prior to taking graduate-level courses each semester. Please email the Academic Program Specialist with the course(s) you plan to take prior to registration closing each term. The registrar will add you to the submitted course(s).
Approved Elective Courses – Must be completed with a B- or higher
(3) GEO5165C – Quantitative Geography
(3) GIS5013 – GIS Programming
(3) GIS5112 – GIS Databases
(3) GIS5131 – Geographic Visualization
(3) GIS5305 – GIS for Environmental Analysis and Modeling
(3) GIS5331 – Florida GIS Applications
(3) GIS5400 – GIS Applications in Social Sciences
(3) GIS5605 – GIS Local Government
For advising on graduate-level courses, please contact Dr. Yang (xyang@fsu.edu ).
Submitting a Graduate Application
Step 4: Submit a Graduate Application
Submit an application for the MS GIS program. The application term you select should be the semester you plan to begin the Graduate program after graduating with your Bachelor’s degree. You can begin the application process here: APPLY!
Deadline to submit a Graduate Application for Fall 2025: July 1, 2025
Components of a complete application:
- $30 Application Fee
- A GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Statement of Purpose
- Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
- Resume/CV
- Official transcripts
Completing the Graduate Program
Graduate Orientation
You are welcome to attend graduate orientation after you graduate with your bachelor’s degree and begin your first semester as a Graduate student.
Internal Transfer Form
To have your graduate-level coursework double counted, you will need to email the Academic Program Specialist with the list of courses you wish to have transferred to your graduate transcript (double counted).
Degree Requirements (30 hours)
MS GIS Digital Degree Checklist
Required Courses (13 Hours) – Must be completed with a B or Higher
(4) GIS5034/L – Remote Sensing & Lab (4) (Fall)*
(3) GIS5106 – Advanced GIScience (3) (Spring)
(6) GIS5950 – GIScience Capstone (6) (Summer)
*Anyone who has taken GIS4035/L or equivalent and earned a B or higher can waive this requirement, but they would need to take 4 additional hours of elective courses
Electives (17 hours) – Must be completed with a B- or Higher
Please see here for our complete list of electives offered by the department, specific courses offered each semester are sent out by the department prior to registration and can also be found using the course search.
Pathways students admitted to the MSGIS program are strongly encouraged to develop a course plan with the Academic Specialist at their earliest convenience. Please note that due to our resource limits, some required courses can only be offered in certain semesters. For example, GIS5034/L is offered in the Fall, GIS5106 in the Spring, and GIS5950 in the Summer only.
*Completed double-count electives will be applied to these hours.
Joint Graduate Pathway in Planning and GI Science
Undergraduates in the FSU Department of Urban Planning (DURP) also have a pathway to obtaining the MS GIS degree from the Department of Geography. The professions of planning and geographic information science overlap in a number of ways. Many positions in planning depend on competency in spatial understanding and mapping. In fact, an introductory GIS course is currently required for planning students. GIS students can move beyond technical employment options and have more professional pathways from which to choose. Students complete 63 credit hours, with 33 hours in Urban and Regional Planning (MSP degree) and 30 hours in Geography’s GIS coursework (MS GIS degree). For DURP-specific advisement, contact the DURP Academic Program Specialist .
Need Additional Information?
Please contact the MS GIS Director, Dr. Xiaojun Yang (xyang@fsu.edu), and the Academic Program Specialist.