Past Dissertations

71. Rachael Cofield, “Queer urban space beyond the Gayborhood: Sexuality, gentrification, and displacement in Atlanta” (McCreary/Pierce, 2021)
70. Amirsasan Mahjoor “Effects of wetland spatial patterns and human activities on wetland habitat quality: Case study in Florida’s wetland-agricultural interface (Zhao, 2021)
69. Gregory Burris “Between proxy and instrument: Reconstructing past weather using qualitative human observations in the absence of instrumental and proxy records: A case study from Shirley Plantation, Virginia, USA (Elsner/Doel, 2021)
68. Georgianna Strode “Bivariate and multivariate geovisualization methods using color, gridded symbologies, and visual analytics” (Mesev, 2020)
67. Jihoon Jung,”Methods to improve existing heat wave surveillance systems” (Uejio, 2019)
66. James Gaboardi “Populated polygons to networks: A population-centric approach to spatial network allocation” (Folch, 2019)
65. Frank Annie “Structural health outcomes in the Appalachian region” (Uejio, 2019)
64. Mark Sciuchetti “Sound and place: An affective geography of the Hudson River, NY” (Mesev, 2019)
63. Fang Zhang “Urban growth, landscape changes, and coastal vulnerability: A GIScience approach” (Yang, 2019)
62. Douglas Allen “Affirmative assertions of black life: Making places of respite in Florida A&M University’s Marching 100” (McCreary/Lawhon, 2019)
61. Xinyu Gao “A new overland flow accumulation algorithm with enhanced adaptability for terrain surface and its application in distributed hydrological modeling” (Mesev, 2019)
60. Tyler Fricker “A geography of tornado casualties in the United States” (Elsner, 2019)
59. John Humphreys “Traits, species, and communities: Integrative Bayesian approaches to ecological biogeography across geographic, environmental, phylogenetic, and morphological space” (Elsner, 2018)
58. Guang Xing “Urban growth patterns and drivers in Florida, USA: Parcel-based new measures and multilevel modeling of multi-scale factors” (Zhao, 2017)
57. Brittany Wood Aging in activity spaces: Understanding the automobility of aging populations” (Horner, 2017)
56. Shoumik Rahman “Land cover change using change vector analysis of Landsat 5 remote sensor data: Texas during the 2011 drought event” (Mesev, 2017)
55. Olivia Williams “What does community control look like? Rondo Community Land Trust’s ethical strategies for urban governance” (Pierce, 2017)
54. Julie Mura “Geographical conflict in Bolivia: Mobilization of identity by the Comité pro Santa Cruz” (Mesev, 2016)
53. Kathryn Ziewitz “New Urbanism on the ground: Using regional geographic context to evaluate sustainability outcomes for six central Florida New Urbanist communities” (Pierce, 2016)
52. Holly Widen “New methods in tornado risk and vulnerability assessments” (Elsner, 2016)
51. Di Shi “Integrating remote sensing with geospatial analysis to map and interpret vegetation patterns in an urban environment” (Yang, 2016)
50. Peter Wood “Urban development and political participation in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil” (Mesev/Elsner, 2016)
49. Erik Fraza “Spatial analysis of climatological effects on hurricane intensification rates” (Elsner, 2016)
48. Sarah Strazzo “Assessing the ability of climate models to simulate the observed sensitivity of tropical cyclone intensity to sea surface temperatures” (Elsner 2015)
47. Khameis Alabdouli “Tsunami evacuation: Using GIS to integrate behavioral and vulnerability data with transportation modeling” (Horner 2015)
46. Nicholas Quinton “Conservative social movement activism: Tea party activism and scalar politics in campaigning for public office” (Pierce, 2014)
45. Min Jo Kang “Measuring urban imperviousness and modeling stormwater quality: Subtropical comparisons between an arid and a humid city” (Mesev, 2014)
44. Ting Liu “Integrating geographic information technologies for land change analysis and modeling in an urban area” (Yang, 2014)
43. Kelly Kingon “Mapping, classification, and spatial variation of hardbottom habitats in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico” (Zhao, 2013)
42. Robert Hodges “Understanding and predicting the regional sun-hurricane count relationship” (Elsner, 2013)
41. Charles Layman “Modeling and evaluating changes to the urban structure” (Horner, 2012)
40. Brad Huff “The cultural landscape analysis of the domain-centered place-based community of Ave Maria, Florida” (Stallins/Mesev, 2012)
39. Caitie Finlayson “Spaces of faith: An affective geographical exploration of houses of worship” (Mesev, 2012)
38. Jill Malmstadt “Quantifying extreme hurricane risk in the North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico” (Elsner, 2012)
37. Libin Zhou “Integrating neural networks with image analysis and GIS for urban spatial growth characterization” (Yang, 2012)
36. Heather Gamper “Effects of scale insects on forest dynamics in fragmented tropical montane oak forests of Veracruz, Mexico” (Stallins/Elsner, 2012)
35. John Sulik “Sub-national analysis of conflicts in Darfur: Examining the role of landscape pattern dynamics on conflict incidence” (Zhao, 2011)
34. Adam Keul “Social spatialization in the Atchafalaya basin” (Steinberg, 2011)
33. Daniel McGowin “National identity in a ‘state’ of limbo: Scale, surrogation and identity in Taiwan” (Lieb/Jordan, 2011)
32. Christopher Whitaker “The domino theory in the popular geopolitics of the US news media, 1989-2009” (O’Sullivan, 2011)
31. John Morgan “A visual time-geographic approach to crime mapping” (Steinberg, 2010)
30 Sunhui Sim “A geospatial approach to measuring and modeling the impact of urban growth on ecosystems: Orlando case study” (Mesev, 2010)
29. Kelsey Scheitlin “Construction and application of a spatial hurricane climatology” (Elsner, 2010)
28. Barbi Bischof “The coral reef environmental “crisis”: Negotiating knowledge in scientific uncertainty and geographic difference” (Steinberg, 2010)
27. Kelly Watson “Tupelo forests and honey production along the Apalachicola river of northwest Florida: Livelihood preservation and forest conservation in a changing rural landscape” (Klooster/Zhao, 2010)
26. Tao Zhang “Impacts of landscape characteristics on water quality: Roles of empirical and process-based modeling” (Yang, 2009)
25. Hosuk Lee “The political ecology of environmental justice: Environmental struggle and injustice in the Yeongheung Island coal plant controversy” (Klooster/Stallins, 2009)
24. Samantha Earnest “Construction of place, identity, and culture in historic preservation: A case study of Hickory Ground, Alabama” (Steinberg, 2009)
23. Emily Fogarty “Network analysis of hurricanes affecting the United States” (Elsner, 2009)
22. Shea Rose “A spatial analysis of lightning strikes and precipitation in the greater Atlanta, Georgia (USA) region” (Stallins, 2008)
21. Luis Sanchez “Puerto Rico’s 79th municipality?: Identity, hybridity and transnationalism within the Puerto Rican diaspora in Orlando, Florida” (Leib, 2008)
20. Joni Downs “Network analysis of animal space-use patterns” (Horner, 2008)
19. Tom Chapman “Constructing the moral landscape through antidiscrimination law: Discourse, debate, and dialogue of sexual citizenship in three Florida communities” (Leib, 2007)
18. Todd Albert “Assessment of glacier mass balances from small tropical glaciers to the large ice sheet of Greenland” (Elsner, 2007)
17. George Cole “Hydrology-based wetland delineation” (Stallins, 2007)
16. Kathleen Sherman-Morris “A place for PSI: Finding a role for parasocial interaction in hazards research” (Baker, 2006)
15. Kristin Stewart “Human-dolphin encounter spaces: A qualitative investigation of the geographies and ethics of swim-with-the-dolphins programs” (Stallins, 2006)
14. Gabriel Popescu “Transborder state reterritorialization in Eastern Europe: The Lower Danube euroregion” (Leib, 2006)
13. Kirl Kim “Housing redevelopment and neighborhood change as a gentrification process in Seoul, Korea: A case study of the Wolgok-4 Dong redevelopment district” (Warf, 2006)
12. Jeff Dickey “Improved flood forecasting from basin elevation distribution” (Elsner, 2006)
11. Shrinidhi Ambinakudige “Differential impacts of commodification of agriculture on people’s livelihoods and the environment in the Western Ghats of India: An extended environmental entitlement analysis” (Klooster, 2006)
10. Jialing Wang “Multi-scale forest landscape pattern characterization” (Yang, 2005)
9. Jeff Ueland “Ecological modeling and human dimensions of mangrove change in Florida” (Stallins, 2005)
8. Andy Walter “The American space of hunger: Geographic, political and economic change and the ability to eat in the United States in the late 1990s” (Kodras, 2005)
7. Barry Bitters “A geographical ontology of objects in the visible domain” (Yang, 2005)
6. Robert Pennock “Urban sprawl and the local state” (Kodras, 2004)
5. Ithan Kaya “Shifting Turkish American identity formations in the United States” (Leib, 2003)
4. Brian Bossak “Early 19th century U.S. hurricanes: A GIS tool and climate analysis” (Elsner, 2003)
3. Jason Dittmer “European re-union: Representations of Eastern Europe in NATO and EU expansion” (O’Sullivan, 2003)
2. John Grimes “The globalization of agriculture: The case study of Florida sugar” (Kodras, 2001)
1. Cynthia Simmons “The political economy of underdevelopment: The case of rural insecurity in Amazonia” (O’Sullivan, 1999)