109. Elaina Gonsoroski “Evaluating the relationship between indoor heat exposure and emergency calls in New York City” (Uejio, 2019)
108. Tyler Lynn “Informing seagrass management and restoration along the Florida gulf coast through remote sensing and spatiotemporal analyses of seagrass distribution” (Lester, 2019)
107. Nicholas A. Craig “A GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis to select roadside wildflower planting sites for ground-nesting bees in Leon County, Florida” (Yang, 2018)
106. Emily J. Ryan “Florida’s tornado climatology: Occurrence rates, casualties, and property losses” (Elsner, 2018)
105. Toby A. Davine “Canada in situ” Tar sands discourse and national place-making in the globe and mail” (Lawhon, 2016)
104. Tyler A. Fricker “Estimating kinetic energy of U.S. tornadoes” (Elsner, 2015)
103. Loury Migliorelli “Effects of fragmentation, climate, and substrate age on endangerment, species composition, and associated reproductive traits in Hawaiian dry forest tree species” (Pau, 2014)
102. Laura E. Michaels “Spatial and temporal characteristics of the population bias in U.S. tornado reports” (Elsner, 2013)
101. Daniel K. Schleith “Investigating spatially disaggregate commuting for workers with different incomes in Leon County, Florida” (Horner, 2013)
100. Brittany S. Wood “Accessibility to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Accepting Retail Locations” (Horner, 2013)
99. Ona M. Strikas “Modeling the spatial differentiation in cloud-to-ground lightning: A case study in Atlanta, Georgia, USA” (Elsner, 2012)
98. Lauren Kelley “The embeddedness of hognose snakes (Heterodon Spp.) in the wildlife pet trade and the relevance of assemblage geographies for reptile conservation” (Stallins, 2011)
97. Krista A. Markwardt “Understanding human-black bear conflicts in the Florida Apalachicola Bear Management Unit: A two-year comparison” (Zhao, 2011)
96. John W. McEwen “The Tallahassee metropolitan statistical area: An exception on the electoral landscape of North Florida” (Steinberg, 2010)
95. Robert E. Hodges “Evidence for a solar influence on U.S.-affecting hurricanes” (Elsner, 2009)
94. Amber R. Ignatius “Big water, little water: Identification of small and medium-sized reservoirs in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin with a discussion of their ecological and hydrological impacts” (Stallins, 2009)
93. Jill C. Trepanier “Pre-landfall intensity as predictor of economic loss from Florida hurricanes, 1900-2007” (Elsner, 2009)
92. Michael J. Widener “Modelling hurricane disaster relief distribution with a hierarchical capacitated-median model: An analysis with extensions” (Horner, 2009)
91. Paul J. Maliszewski “Modeling critical vaccine supply location: Protecting critical infrastructure and population in Central Florida” (Horner, 2008)
90. Jimmy M. Pastrano “Health care resource allocation: Potential access to clinics for Florida’s migrant and seasonal farm workers and their dependents” (Jordan, 2008)
89. Georgia E. Conover “Embodiment, performativity and identity: Spatial and temporal processes embedded within improvisational tribal style dance” (Steinberg, 2007)
88. Richard A. Kent “Contextualizing the FCAT in Florida: A spatial investigation of neo-liberal educational reform” (Warf, 2007)
87. Matthew C. Smith “Long-term change in hydrology, tree growth, and forest composition along the Apalachicola River” (Stallins, 2007)
86. Richard J. Verdi “Implications of spatial resolution on hydrological network modeling: A case study in the Chipola River Basin, Florida” (Yang, 2007)
85. Katherine A. Baughman “A model of prediction of voter approval for the expansion of a greenways system in Leon County, Florida” (Leib, 2005)
84. Emily A. Fogarty “Variations in typhoon landfalls over China” (Elsner, 2004)
83. Jefferson Wood “Fluctuations in hurricane landfall frequency along the east coast of Florida as a function of regional climate variability” (Elsner, 2004)
82. Michael Pryce-Jones “Aspiring dreams and heretical minarets: A postcolonial geography of the city of Oxford” (Warf, 2001)
81. Chris Duclos “An examination of childhood lead poisoning surveillance in the State of Florida” (Ruiz, 1998)
80. Tanya McKay “Industrial labor contracting: A case study of the Monsanto Corporation in Pensacola, Florida” (Warf, 1998)
79. Byron Wright “‘Children of a common mother’: A survey of cultural distinctions correlative with the Canada-United States boundary in the trans-border Cascadia region of the Pacific Northwest” (O’Sullivan, 1998)
78. Shell Kimble “Terrain analysis and guerrilla warfare in Navarre” (O’Sullivan, 1997)
77. Zhi Li “The impact of data accuracy and human settlement on wetland changes in Collier County, 1975-1986” (Solecki, 1997)
76. Pamela Strickland “Irish nationalist influences within the 1960’s-1970’s Northern Ireland civil rights movement” (O’Sullivan, 1996)
75. James Wood “Conservation practice use and decision-making among farmers in Madison County, Florida” (Winsberg, 1996)
74. James Curtis “Sequent occupance of World War two military airfields in Florida” (Warf, 1995)
73. David Doty “Changes in commercial air carrier concentration at U.S. airports since the airline deregulation act of 1978” (O’Sullivan, 1995)
72. Ryan Kelly “Spatial distribution of juvenile arrests and neighborhood perceptions of juvenile crime in Tallahassee, Florida” (Winsberg, 1995)
71. Chris Bowley “An analysis of voting patterns on environmental legislation in the United States House of Representatives during the 1980’s” (Shelley, 1994)
70. Michael Campbell “An informative processing approach to assessment of preference for urban waterscapes” (Solecki, 1994)
69. Lee Hartsfield “Why didn’t they work? An analysis of non-compliance with local environmental regulations” (Solecki, 1994)
68. Beverly Renard “Licensing and reciprocity in professional occupations: The migration behavior of professionals in the United States” (Ellis, 1993)
67. Jessie Torres “Occupational variation of immigrants entering the United States’ labor market: Modeling the correlation of educational and socio-economic variables on labor market outcomes” (Ellis, 1993)
66. Jack Connelly “The federal military occupation of Florida during reconstruction: An historical account of its involvement in the change from a slave-based workforce to free labor” (O’Sullivan, 1992)
65. Gemechu Debbo “The growth of road transportation in Ethiopia: An overview” (O’Sullivan, 1992)
64. Paul O’Rourke “International travel restrictions on persons with AIDS: Causes and geographic patterns” (Ellis, 1992)
63. Tanya Powers de Blij “Diffusion of AIDS in southeast Florida” (Ellis, 1991)
62. Scott Pusich “Political boundaries and ethnic nationalism in Yugoslavia, 1918-1990” (Kodras, 1991)
61. Helge Swanson “Quantification of environmental impact factors for various physiographic regions of Leon County using a delphi consensus technique” (Walker, 1991)
60. Leland Burton “The county multi-purpose cadastre geographic information systems in the state of Florida” (Hepner, 1989)
59. Daniel Teaf “Proximity of municipal combustion (MWC) ash disposal facilities to wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United States” (Patton, 1989)
58. Janet Bowman “An analysis of Florida county expenditures for indigent health care” (Kodras, 1988)
57. Thomas Decker “The use of satellite imagery to monitor Florida mining activities” (Hepner, 1988)
56. John Plescow “Ribbons across America: Deterioration of the U.S. interstate highway system and the regional impact of highway finance, use, and characteristics” (Kodras, 1988)
55. Todd Robinson “A coordinate transformation model for overleaf distribution: An application to groundwater protection” (McConnell, 1988)
54. Jeffrey Schaum “Spatial recruiting patterns in major college football” (McConnell, 1988)
53. William Bacon “A snowbelt-sunbelt regional evaluation of land use patterns in American cities” (Kodras, 1987)
52. Jennifer Johnson “A multivariate analysis of stormwater runoff in the Tallahassee, Florida area” (McConnell, 1987)
51. William Alcott “A site characteristics approach to marina siting” (Zeller, 1985)
50. Stephen Martin “A geographical analysis of the voting of Florida’s state legislators on environmental bills from 1969 through 1980” (Brueckheimer, 1985)
49. David Grier “Prospects for the export of coal via the port of New York and New Jersey” (Vanderhill, 1984)
48. Linda Mayberry “Urban-rural differentials of childlessness” (Brueckheimer, 1984)
47. Tod Allen “The impact of sediment distribution by structural alterations to the Apalachicola River, Florida” (Patton, 1983)
46. Richard Dawdy “An assessment of the applicability of Hoyt’s sector theory to Tallahassee, Florida” (Zeller, 1982)
45. Len Kennedy “The utilization of land use types in residential water demand forecasting” (Patton, 1981)
44. Mohammad Ahghari “Land reform and agricultural development in Iran” (Winsberg, 1980)
43. William Childress “An assessment of development statistics employed in Brazilian Amazonia” (O’Sullivan, 1980)
42. Terry Clark “An assessment of the influence of Tallahassee’s retail sector on it surrounding smaller communities between 1953 and 1977” (O’Sullivan, 1980)
41. Richard Cumbie “Elderly mobility improvement, target area identification” (Winsberg, 1980)
40. Craig Miller “Extension of the national land system to colonial West Florida: The evolution and influence of colonial land policy” (O’Sullivan, 1979)
39. Bonnie Nelson “A spatial analysis of the classic Mimbres sites along the Rio Mimbres of southwestern New Mexico” (Dyeson, 1977)
38. Richard Wells “Environmental assessment of a regional sewage treatment system” (Patton, 1977)
37. Sharon Adams “Model recreation plan applied to Wakulla County” (Baker, 1976)
36. Michael Guilfoyle “An investigation of Miami’s urban residential dynamics, 1950-1970” (Rabiega, 1976)
35. Stephen Miller “An analysis of municipal water withdrawal demand in Florida” (Patton, 1976)
34. Aaron Dowling “The land use model: A useful part of the planning process as applied to Osceola County, Florida” (Fernald, 1975)
33. Dennis Moss “Modeling route selection decision making behavior by automobile travel consultants” (Rabiega, 1975)
32. Frank Unger “Some aspects of land acquisition and settlement in territorial Florida: The St. Joseph community” (Vanderhill, 1974)
31. Edward Woodruff “An examination of teacher response in Florida to ‘geography’ in an urban age” (Patton, 1974)
30. David Bibb “The development of the gateways to the Tennessee Valley Authority’s land between the lakes” (Fernald, 1973)
29. William Hankins “An analysis of the impact of the 1965 preliminary development plan upon the spatial structure of the East Carolina University campus, 1965 through 1971” (Vanderhill, 1973)
28. Gordon Woodley “Development of a computerized inventory of state-owned land in Florida” (Fernald, 1973)
27. Jon Fahs “Population and land use changes in Titusville, Florida, during the period 1950-1969” (Malek, 1971)
26. Peter A. Doherty “Camping in Florida: A methodology for determining the economic impact and user-preferences of family campers” (Brueckheimer, 1967)
25. Charles F. Adams “Problems of population support in Walton County” (O’Boynton, 1958)
24. Donald A. Johnson “An examination and evaluation of Florida’s industrial development since 1950” (McMurry, 1958)
23. Earl M. Neel “Hell’s Canyon controversy: Proposed development of a unique water power station” (Christensen, 1958)
22. Joseph L. Carter “A land use study of Florida’s wildlife management areas” (McMurry, 1957)
21. Thomas J. Cunningham “The merging lands in Roca Ciega Bay, Pinellas County, Florida” (McMurry, 1957)
20. Edward A. Fernald “Some problems of fresh water source and use in Nanatee County, Florida” (Christensen, 1957)
19. Edward C. Fisher “Land policy and program of the trustees of the internal improvement fund of Florida” (McMurry, 1957)
18. Fredric J. Wisor “Mapping the ten thousand islands of Florida” (McMurry, 1957)
17. Charles Adams “Problems of population support in Walton County” (1956)
16. Randall P. Williams “Some aspects of tax reverted lands under the Murphy Act” (McMurry, 1956)
15. Roland E. Chardon “An examination of some problems of agricultural diversification in Gadsden County, Florida” (McMurry, 1954)
14. Richard G. Silvernail “Some probable effects of the St. Lawrence Seaway and power project on the St. Lawrence lowland” (Chase, 1953)
13. Le Harve F. Young “A study of Western Samoa” (Chase, 1953)
12. Herman L. Drake “Man in the Great Plains” (McMurry, 1952)
11. Ennis L. Chestang “An analytical study of certain aspects of introductory college geography in the United States” (Becker, 1951)
10. James Q. Collier “A case study of the traffic situation in Tallahassee” (Newton, 1951)
9. Robert H. Fuson “A land-use study, with emphasis on forest grazing, of Craven County, North Carolina” (Chase, 1951)
8. Ella Halls “A study of the instructional program in Desoto County with particular attention to those phases which tend to break its continuity” (Curtis, 1951)
7. Jose A. Machado “Problems of a one-crop economy in Cuba” (Chase, 1951)
6. Marianthe S. Coppedge “A resource-use survey of Marion County” (Chase, 1950)
5. S. George Diamond “Development of Dade County” (Christensen, 1949)
4. Lottie P. Manderville “A study of the development of certain techniques of democratic school living” (Becker, 1949)
3. Louis A. Ross “A geographic survey of resource-use in Monroe County, KY.” (Becker, 1949)
2. Charles N. Holder “A regional study of the Tennessee Valley” (Becker, 1948)
1. Jennie Spivey “Resource use in Collier County” (Becker, 1946)