
Geography bridges the social sciences and physical sciences in the pursuit of how humans affect and are affected by natural environment. Geographers examine many social/physical issues at every scale, such as housing development and habitat loss, insurance premiums and storm damage, commercial fishing and marine sustainability, transport flow and air pollution, energy needs and mineral exploitation, and intensive farming and deforestation. Geography is the study of place and space, in the same sense that history is the study of time. Geographers ask where where are things located? why are they located where they are? and how do we map them?

Geographers are concerned with mapping how changes to the landscape, vegetation, animals, climate impact where humans live, socialize, work, trade, and form cultural and nationalist identities. They examine agricultural practices, industry, boundary disputes, urban decay, political ideologies, religious principles, and how these relate to perceptions of the environment, concern for global warming, and recycling/sustainability practices. All these can by mapped using computer-based GIS, GPS and satellite surveillance techniques with ever-improving geographic accuracy and precision.

The Geography major consists of 34 credit hours, and all at grade C- or better. All courses are 3 credits, except ones with Labs which are 4 credits.

REQUIRED (19 credit hours)

GEA1000 World Regional Geography
GEO1400 Human Geography (Cross-cultural X)
GEO2200C Physical Geography
GEO4162C Spatial Data Analysis
GIS3015 Map Analysis
GIS4043 & GIS4043L Geographic Information Systems & Lab (4 credits)

Human Geography Electives (3 credit hours)

GEO3502 Economic Geography
GEO4357 Environmental Conflict & Economic Development
GEO4404 Black Geographies
GEO4412 Environment and Gender
GEO4421 Cultural Geography (Cross-cultural X)
GEO4450 Medical Geography
GEO4471 Political Geography
GEO4503 Globalization
GEO4505 Fossil Fuels and Environmental Conflict
GEO4602 Urban Geography
GEO4700 Transport Geography
GEO4804 Geography of Wine
IDH3404 Environmental Justice (Honors)
IDS2180 Dead Cities
IDS2492 Sport: Place, Competition & Fairness (counts for Ethics)
IDS3336 “Great” Britain: Geography, Imperialism, Industry & Culture (Western experience Y)

Physical Geography Electives (3 or 4 credit hours)

GEO4210 Landforms & Landscapes
GEO4280 Geography of Water Resources
GEO4300 Biogeography
GEO4376 Landscape Ecology
GEO4392 Geography of Marine Resources
GEO4114 Environmental Field Methods
GIS4035 & GIS4035L Remote Sensing & Lab (4 credits)
IDS2471 Glaciers, Geysers & Glades: Exploring US National Parks
IDS2473 Putting Science into Action: Field Methods for Plant Ecology

General Geography (8 or 9 credit hours)

Geography (GEA/GEO/GIS courses) at the 3000/4000 level
GEO4930 Special Topics (maximum of 9 credits)
GEO4905 Directed Independent Study OR GEO4941 Internship (maximum of 3 credits)
Minors are not listed on diplomas. More information on minors and their requirements can be found at:

Geography Minor

A minor is Geography consists of 15 credit hours, including GEA 1000 World Geography; GEO1400 Human Geography; GEO2200C Physical Geography or GEO1330 Environmental Science; GIS3015 Map Analysis or GEO4162C Spatial Data Analysis; and one additional GEO/GEA/GIS course at the 3000 or 4000 level.  All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better

Overlap Policy between The Environment and Society Major and the Geography Minor:

Minors added prior to Fall 2023: 3 hours of GEO2200C will overlap AND 3 additional hours.
Minors added Fall 2023 to Present: Only 3 hours of GEO2200C will overlap.

Careers in Geography

Find out more about careers in Geography: