Inequalities and Society

An alternative to choosing the general option or a general option discipline, students can select the Inequalities and Society Specialization as a primary, secondary, or a combination of both.

Inequalities and Society Specialization offers students an in-depth and rigorous interdisciplinary study of disparities through theory, research, and practice; cultivating life-long learners and engaged citizens who have a deep and nuanced understanding of issues across a range of perspectives. The study of inequality cannot be isolated into one or even a few disciplines, and its study must draw on the concepts, empirical data, and lived experiences of scholars, practitioners, and communities. Students pursuing this specialization will learn a constellation of balanced perspectives, approaches, histories, practices, and critiques.

Option A: Primary Area of Study for ISS (18 credits)

Inequalities and Society as a primary area of study requires 18 credits from a specified list of classes. Students take 6 courses from one of the thematic categories noted below. Each course may only count once.

Option B: Secondary Area of Study for ISS (12 credits)

Inequalities and Society as a secondary area of study require 12 credits from a specified list of classes. Students take 4 courses from one of the thematic categories noted below. Each course may only count once.

Option C: Combination of Primary and Secondary Areas of Study for ISS (30 credits)

Inequalities and Society as a combined primary and secondary area of study requires 30 credits from a specified list of classes. Students take 10 courses from two of the thematic categories noted below – 6 from one theme and 4 from another theme. Each course may only count once.

Criminal Justice and Policy
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “criminal justice” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

AMH 3320 Mass Incarceration
CCJ 3678 Policing Diversity: Race, Gender, Religion, and Crime
CCJ 3673 Social Reality of Black Males
CJE 3280 Women on All Sides of the Law
CCJ 4938 Racial Profiling
CCJ 4662 Minorities, Crime, and Social Policy
CCJ 4938 International Human Rights Law & State Crime
CCJ 5669 Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Social Justice
CJL 4038 Law, Society, and the Administration of Justice
IDS 3415 Guns, Drugs and Slaves

Economics and Entrepreneurship of Communities
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “economics” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

CTE 4470 Sustainability and Human Rights in the Business World 
ECP 3302 Economics of Natural Resources, Energy, & the Environment 
ECP 3451 Economics and the Law
ECP 3617 Land Use, Housing, & Government Regulation
ECO 4504 Public Sector Economics
ECO 4554 Economics of State and Local Government 
ECP 4613 Urban Economics
ECP 4132 Economics of Compassion
ECP 4530 Economics of Health 
ENT 3513 Market Solutions to Social Problems
ENT 4623 Healthcare Entrepreneurship
ISS 4139 Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
ISS 4164 Intersections, Power, and Policy
GEO 4357 Environmental Conflict & Economic Development
GEO 4503 Globalization
SYO 3530 Social Classes & Inequality

History and Social Change
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “history” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

AMH 2097 Nationality, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
AMH 2091 The African American Experience in the United States
AMH 2095 American Indians in the United States
AMH 2583 The Seminoles and the Southeastern Indians
AMH 2096 Black Women in America
AMH 3320 Mass Incarceration
AMH 3930 Environmental Policy
AMH 4530 U.S. Immigration History
AMH 4561 Women in 19th-Century America
AMH 4684 Women and Children in the Civil Rights Movement
AMH 4562 Women in Modern America
AMH 4585 History of the Seminole Indians
AMH 4571 Black America to 1877
AMH 4572 Black America Since 1877
AMH 4530 U.S. Immigration History
ISS 4139 Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
HIS 3205 LGBTQ History
LAH 4748 Social Revolutionary Movements in Latin America
WOH 3440 History of Refugees

Humanities: Communities and Cultures
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “communities” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

ANT 3300 Masculinity in Global Perspective
ANT 3212 Peoples of the World
ANT 2410 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ANT 4302 Sex Roles in Cross–Cultural Perspective
AFA 3330 Black Families in America
AFA 4358 Culture, Land, and Ecology: A Seminar in Black Environmental History and Politics
AFA 1003 Diversity and Justice
AFA 4007 Black Political Thought and Social Movements
IFS 2034 Exploring Racial Inequality in the US
IFS 3024 Sociology of Hip Hop Culture
ISS 4139 Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
LAH 4723 Race and Class in Colonial Latin America
LIT 4554 Feminist Theory
PHM 3123 Philosophy of Feminism
PHM 2121 Philosophy of Race, Class, and Gender
PHM 3351 Philosophy of Human Rights
REL 3152 Religion, Race, and Ethnicity
REL 3171 Topics in Ethics: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: Cases, Concepts, And Principles
THE 4433 Gender, Race, and Performance
URS 1006 World Cities

Geography & Urban Planning: Environment and Spatial Equity
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “place” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

ANT 3300 Masculinity in Global Perspective
AMH 3930 Environmental Policy
AFA 4358 Culture, Land, and Ecology: A Seminar in Black Environmental History and Politics
GEO 4251 Climate Change & Storms
GEO 4357 Environmental Conflict & Economic Development
GEO 4404 Black Geographies
GEO 4280 Geography of Water Resources
GEO 4355 Geography of Food and Environment
GEO 4450 Medical Geography
GIS 4421 Special Topics – GIS and Health
GEO 4412 Environment and Gender
GEO 4503 Globalization
GEO 4421 Special Topics – Cultural Geography
PAD 4301 Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities
SYD 4570 Environmental Sociology
URS 1006 World Cities
URP 5445 Climate Change and Community Resilience
URP 4811 Multicultural Urbanism
URP 4402 Sustainable Development Planning in the Americas
URP 4741 Introduction to Issues in Housing and Community Development
URP 4710: Transportation Issues/Transportation Planning
URP 5445 Climate Change and Community Resilience
URP 4741 Introduction to Issues in Housing and Community Development
URP 4612 Strategies for Urban & Regional Planning in Less Developed Countries

Sociology: Social Group Relations
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “groups” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

ANT 3300 Masculinity in Global Perspective
ISS 4139 Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
SYO 3100 Families & Social Change
SYP 3000 Social Psychology of Groups
SYP 3540 Sociology of Law
SYO 3530 Social Classes & Inequality
SYD 3800 Sex and Gender
SYO 4250 Sociology of Education
SYA 4930 Neighborhood Stress & Health
SYO 4402 Medical Sociology
SYD 4570 Environmental Sociology
SOP 4722 Prejudice and Stereotyping
SYD 4730 African Americans in U. S. Society
SYD 4700 Race & Minority Group Relations
SYO 4180 Gender and Work
SOW 4620 Diversity and Social Justice
SYO 4300 Sociology of Politics
SOW 4247 Homelessness in America: People, Programs and Policies

Political Science: Democracy and Civil Rights
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “rights” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

AMH 3930 Environmental Policy
AMH 4530 U.S. Immigration History
CPO 3703 Comparative Democratic Institutions
CJE 3280 Women on All Sides of the Law
INR 4075 International Human Rights
INR 4078 Confronting Human Rights Violations
ISS 4164 Intersections, Power, and Policy
LAH 4748 Social Revolutionary Movements in Latin America
POS 4070 Race, Ethnicity, and Politics
POS 4284 Courts, Law, and Politics
POS 4624 The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
PUP 3323 Women and Politics
PUP 4024 Interest Groups, Social Movements, and Public Policy
PHM 3351 Philosophy of Human Rights
SYO 4300 Sociology of Politics
WOH 3440 History of Refugees

Public Administration, Management, & Leadership
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “management or leadership” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

CTE 4470 Sustainability and Human Rights in the Business World
EDF 2085 Teaching Diverse Populations
ENT 3513 Market Solutions to Social Problems
ENT 4623 Healthcare Entrepreneurship
FAD 4601 Foundations of Counseling
LDR 2213 Leadership for Social Justice
LDR 3200 Leadership and Ethics
LDR 3215 Leadership and Change
MAN 4310 Disability Inclusion in the Workplace – need instructor approval and wait list
MAN 4113 Diversity Management – need instructor approval and wait list
MAN 4605 Cross-Cultural Management – need instructor approval and wait list
PAD 4301 Disaster Management Planning for Urban Poor Communities
PAD 4433 Women, Disasters, and Conflict
URP 4022 Collective Decision Making 
SOW 4454 Grant Writing and Grant Management (3)

Public Health and Disparities
(If you take a course not on the list below with a focus on “health” and informs on this specialization, contact for the course to be counted as part the Inequality and Society specialization)

AMH 3930 Environmental Policy
FAD 4265 Family Diversity
GEO 4450 Medical Geography
GIS 4421 GIS and Health
HIS 2496 Pandemics and People
HIS 3491 Medicine & Society
ISS 4139 Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality
NSP 3425 Women’s Health Issues: Concerns Through the Life Cycle
PHC 4157 Health Policy and Society
SOP 4722 Prejudice and Stereotyping
SOW 4627 Mental Health of Diverse Populations
SYP 3000 Social Psychology of Groups
SYA 4930 Neighborhood Stress & Health
SYO 4402 Medical Sociology