Interdisciplinary Social Sciences General Option

Many of our students pick the general option for their ISS major. The 43 required credits are broken into primary (18 credits), secondary (12 credits), and remaining (12 credits) disciplinary buckets.

  • The primary concentration of eighteen hours is in one participating department of the social sciences from the list below.
  • The secondary concentration of twelve hours in a second participating department.
  • The remaining twelve hours can be distributed among any of the remaining participating departments that are not being used for the primary or secondary concentrations.
  • Required ISS 3923 The Interdisciplinary Forum: 1-credit course.
  • Required ISS 4304 Contemporary Social Problems and Integrative Solutions: 3-credit course.

Participating Social Science Departments

You can find a list of courses by clicking on each social science department. Departmental offerings may vary from semester to semester.
Political Science
Public Administration
Urban and Regional Planning

Sample Course Layout Plan:

Primary (18 credits): Sociology
1) SYG 1xxx
2) SYO 3xxx
3) SYD 3xxx
4) SYO 3xxx
5) SYD 3xxx
6) SYO 3xxx

Secondary (12 credits): Economics
1) ECO 2xxx
2) ECO 2xxx
3) ECO 3xxx
4) ECP 3xxx

Remaining (12 credits + 1 credit)
1) ISS 4304 Contemporary Social Problems – required
2) POS 2xxx
3) PAD 3xxx
4) POS 3xxx
+ ISS 3923 Interdisciplinary Forum – 1 credit – required