I was pleased to be involved with this project dealing with the analysis of youth automobile crashes, recently published in Sustainability.
Advisee wins AAG HMGSG 2013 travel award
FSU Geography graduate student Brittany Wood received a competitive graduate student travel award based on her Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting abstract entitled ‘Accessibility to SNAP Accepting Retail Food Locations.’ Brittany’s abstract was selected for funding by the AAG’s Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group, and the award will be given to her during their 2013 business meeting in Los Angeles. Brittany successfully defended her Master’s thesis prospectus in October 2012, and her AAG abstract is related to her ongoing thesis work looking at food deserts and accessibility.
(Brief) report from GIScience 2012
Just now getting the chance to report on my trip to Columbus, OH for GIScience 2012 two weeks ago. It was a very busy event, as I was a part of three papers scheduled on the program. It was also nice visiting Columbus after having lived there about 10 years ago, and seeing how much it had changed. Overall, a great conference (e.g., we were well fed!) and looking forward to future meetings.