Advisee wins AAG HMGSG 2013 travel award

FSU Geography graduate student Brittany Wood received a competitive graduate student travel award based on her Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting abstract entitled ‘Accessibility to SNAP Accepting Retail Food Locations.’  Brittany’s abstract was selected for funding by the AAG’s Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group, and the award will be given to her during their 2013 business meeting in Los Angeles.  Brittany successfully defended her Master’s thesis prospectus in October 2012, and her AAG abstract is related to her ongoing thesis work looking at food deserts and accessibility.

Healthy food accessibility paper to be presented at the 2013 Transportation Research Board meeting

With the program now posted, here is a link to a new paper which will be presented at the Transportation Research Board  (TRB) Annual Meeting (Washington, DC) in January of 2013. This multi-authored paper led by Dr. Michael Widener (University of Cincinnati) describes a new approach to measuring people’s accessibility to healthy food options in urban environments, controlling for selected activity constraints.

New commuting paper published in Applied Geography

Our latest work on commuting and jobs-housing balance has just been published in Applied Geography.  This paper works with a relatively new Census database known as LEHD to analyze commuting trends over the last several years. It uses the local Tallahassee area as a case study.  FSU graduate student Daniel Schleith was a coauthor on the study.