
Please see my Google Scholar page for the most up-to-date works published.

A. Refereed Journal Articles

[102] Md. Shaharier Alam, Mark W. Horner, and Eren Erman Ozguven. 2024. Assessing Urban-Rural Differences in Disaster Evacuation Vulnerability Among Minority Populations: Insights From a Recent Survey in Florida. In press in the Professional Geographer.

[101] Kyusik Kim and Mark W. Horner. 2024. Assessing the Effects of Centroid Assignment Methods on Measuring Spatial Accessibility. In press in Transactions of GIS.

[100] Md. Shaharier Alam, Kyusik Kim, Mark W. Horner, Onur Alisan, Richard Antwi, and Eren Erman Ozguven. 2024. Large-scale modeling of hurricane flooding and disrupted infrastructure impacts on accessibility to critical facilities. Journal of Transport Geography 116, 103852.

[99] Md. Shaharier Alam, Mark W. Horner, Eren Erman Ozguven, Billie Ventimiglia, and Dennis Smith. 2024. Understanding People’s Safety Perceptions During a Recent Evacuation: The Case of Hurricane Ian (2022). Findings (January).

[98] Kyusik Kim, Mark W. Horner, Md. Shaharier Alam, Onur Alisan, Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, and Eren Ozguven. 2024. Understanding Changes in Spatial Accessibility to Restaurants During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disentangling Closures, Inequity, Neighborhood, and Transportation Mode. Geographical Analysis 56 (2), 244-264.

[97] Mazin AbdelMagid, Yassir AbdelRazig, Dennis Smith, Mark Horner, Juyeong Choi, Kyusik Kim ,and Billie Ventimiglia. 2023. Transportation system performance capabilities for vulnerable populations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96, 103991.

[96] Onur Alisan, Baran Ulak, Eren Ozguven, and Mark W. Horner. 2023. Location selection of field hospitals amid COVID-19 considering effectiveness and fairness: A case study of Florida. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 103794.

[95] Baran Ulak, Eren Ozguven, Mark W Horner, Lindsay Weaver, Jorge Puente, Jeremy Crute, Dennis Smith, Michael Duncan, and Elizabeth Whitton. 2022. Ridership dynamics and characteristics of potential riders of a transit system: The SunRail of Central Florida. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100720.

[94] Kyusik Kim, Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Mark W Horner, and Eren Ozguven. 2022. Assessment of disparities in spatial accessibility to vaccination sites in Florida.  Annals of GIS 28(3), 263-277.

[93] Mohammadreza Koloushani, Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Mehmet Baran Ulak, Eren Erman Ozguven, Mark W Horner, and Omer Arda Vanli. 2022. The analysis of spatial patterns and significant factors associated with young-driver-involved crashes in Florida. Sustainability 14(2), 696.

[92] Kyusik Kim, Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Mark W. Horner, and Eren  Ozguven. 2021. Identifying areas of potential critical healthcare shortages: A case study of spatial accessibility to ICU beds during the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida. Transport Policy 110, 478-486.

[91] Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Kyusik Kim, Eren  Ozguven, and Mark W. Horner. 2021. Spatial accessibility assessment of COVID-19 patients to healthcare facilities: A case study of Florida. Travel Behavior and Society 24, 95-10.

[90] Kyusik Kim, Kyusang Kwon, and Mark W. Horner. 2021. The Role of the Built Environment on Travel Mode Choice across Different Age Groups in Seoul, Korea: A Random Forest Approach. Transportation Research Record 2675 (8), 670-683.

[89] Kyusik Kim and Mark W. Horner.2021. Examining the impacts of the great recession on the commuting dynamics and jobs-housing balance of public and private sector workers. Journal of Transport Geography 90, 102933.

[88] Michael Duncan, Yazmin Valdez-Torres, Kristin Gladwin, Mark W. Horner, and Brittany Wood. 2021. Transit-oriented development for older adults: A survey of current practices among transit agencies and local governments in the US. Journal of Transport and Land Use 14(1), 255-276

[87] Michael Duncan, Mark W. Horner, Tim Chapin, Kaleb McClellan, Jeremy Crute, Andrew Williams, Kayla Costello, Nusrat Sharmin, Chris Stansbury, and Alex Riemondy. 2020. Assessing the property value and tax revenue impacts of SunRail stations in Orlando, Florida. Case Studies in Transport Policy 8(1), 1-11.

[86] Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Kyusik Kim, Eren Ozguven, and Mark Horner. 2020. A Comparative Analysis of Transportation-based Accessibility to Mental Health Services. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 4(102278).

[85] James Gaboardi, David Folch, and Mark W. Horner. 2020. Connecting Points to Spatial Networks: Effects on Discrete Spatial Network Optimization Model. Geographical Analysis 52(2), 299-322.

[84] Onur Alisan, Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh, Mehmet Baran Ulak, Ayberk Kocatepe, Eren Ozguven, Mark Horner and Wenrui Huang. 2020. Extending Interdiction and Median Models to Identify Critical Hurricane Shelters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 43(101380).

[83] Daniel Schleith, Michael Widener, Changjoo Kim, and Mark W. Horner. 2019. Contextualizing Urban Form for the Largest Metro Regions in the U.S. using the Excess Commuting Framework. Built Environment 45(4), 450-461.

[82] Baran Ulak, Eren Ozguven, Arda Vanli, and Mark W. Horner. 2019 Exploring Alternative Spatial Weights to Detect Crash Hotspots. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 78, 101398.

[81] Mehmet Ulak, Ayberk Kocatepe, Eren Ozguven, and Mark W. Horner. 2019. How far from home do crashes occur? A network based analysis. Safety Science, 118, 298-308.

[80] Ayberk Kocatepe, Baran Ulak, Eren Ozguven, Mark W. Horner. 2019. Who might be affected by crashes? Identifying areas susceptible to crash injury risk and their major contributing factors. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15(2), 1278-1305.

[79] Brittany Wood and Mark W. Horner. 2019. Aging in Activity Spaces: How Does Individual Accessibility Compare Across Age Cohorts? Professional Geographer 71(1), 1-14.

[78] Brittany Wood and Mark W. Horner. 2018. Aggregating Mobile Object Trajectories: Cumulative Time Geographic Density Estimation for GPS Data. Transportation Planning and Technology 41(6), 600-616.

[77] Jeffrey R. Brown, Michael Duncan, Mark W. Horner, *James P. Wood, and *Megan Bond. 2018. Provider Perspectives on Six Strategies to Overcome the Barriers to Older Adult Use of Alternative Transportation Services: Evidence from Seven Communities. Case Studies in Transportation 6(2), 237-245.

[76] Joni Downs, James Anderson, Rebecca Loraamm, David Lamb, Mark W. Horner, and Brittany Wood. 2018. Testing time-geographic density estimation for home range analysis using an agent-based model of animal movement. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 32(7), 1505-1522.

[75] Ayberk Kocatepe, Eren Ozguven, Mark Horner, Hidayet Ozel. 2018. Pet- and Special Needs-Friendly Shelter Planning in South Florida: A Spatial Capacitated p-Median-based Approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, 1207-1222.

[74] Mark W. Horner, Eren Ozguven, Jean-Michael Marcelin, and Ayberk Kocatepe. 2018.  Spatial Network Optimization Modeling for Special Needs Hurricane Shelter Placement Serving the Aging Population.  Disasters 42(1), 169-186.

[73] Ayberk Kocatepe, Mehmet Baran Ulak, Eren Ozguven, Mark W. Horner, and Reza Arghandeh. 2017. Socioeconomic Characteristics and Crash Injury Exposure: Case Study in Florida Using a Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method. Applied Geography 87, 207-221.

[72] Sai Saylesh Vemulapalli, Eren Erman Ozguven, Thobias Sando, Mark W. Horner, Yassir Abdelrazig, and Ren Moses.  2017. GIS-based Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Aging-Involved Accidents: A Case Study of Three Counties in Florida. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 10(4), 537-563.

[71] Mehmet Baran Ulak, Ayberk Kocatepe, Eren Ozguven, Mark W. Horner, and Lisa Spainhour. 2017. GIS-Based Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Severe Crash Hotspot Accessibility to HospitalsTransportation Research Record 2635, 90-97.

[70] Brittany Wood, Mark W. Horner, Michael Duncan, and Yazmin Valdez-Torres. 2016.  Aging Populations and Transit-Oriented Development: Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Neighborhood Trends from 2000 and 2010. Transportation Research Record 2598, 75-83.

[69] Hidayet Ozel, Eren Ozguven, Ayberk Kocatepe, and Mark W. Horner. 2016. Aging Population-Focused Accessibility Assessment of Multimodal Facilities in Florida. Transportation Research Record 2584, 45-61.

[68] Jean-Michael Marcelin, Mark W. Horner, Eren Ozguven, Ayberk Kocatepe. 2016. How does accessibility to post-disaster relief compare between the aging and the general population? A spatial network optimization analysis of hurricane relief facility locations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 15, 61-72.

[67] Eren Ozguven, Mark W. Horner, Ayberk Kocatepe, Jean-Michael Marcelin, Yassir Abdelrazig, Thobias Sando, and Ren Moses.  2016. Metadata-based Needs Assessment for Emergency Transportation Operations with a Focus on an Aging Population: A Case Study in Florida. Transport Reviews 36(3), 383-412.

[66] Brittany S. Wood and Mark W. Horner. 2016. Understanding accessibility to SNAP-accepting food store locations: disentangling the roles of transportation and socioeconomic status. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 9(3), 309–327.

[65] Mark W. Horner, Michael Duncan, Brittany Wood, Yazmin Valdez-Torres, and Chris Stansbury. 2015. Do Aging Populations Have Differential Accessibility to Activities? Analyzing the Spatial Structure of Social, Professional, and Business Opportunities. Travel Behavior and Society 2(3), 182-191.

[64] Mark W. Horner, Daniel Schleith, and Michael J. Widener. 2015. An analysis of the commuting and jobs-housing patterns of older adult workers. The Professional Geographer, 67(4), 575-585.

[63] Michael J. Widener, Steven Farber, Tijs Neutens, and Mark W. Horner. 2015. Spatiotemporal accessibility to supermarkets using public transit: an interaction potential approach in Cincinnati, Ohio. Journal of Transport Geography, 42, 72-83.

[62] Holly Nowell, Mark W. Horner, and Michael J. Widener. 2015. Impacts of Disrupted Road Networks in Siting Relief Facility Locations: A Case Study for Leon County, FL. Natural Hazards Review, 16(3): 04014032.

[61] Michael J. Widener, Mark W. Horner, and Kunlei Ma. 2015. Positioning disaster relief teams given dynamic service demand: A hybrid agent-based and spatial optimization approach. Transactions of GIS, 19(2), 279–295.

[60] Mark W. Horner and Brittany S. Wood. 2014. Capturing individuals’ food environments using flexible space-time accessibility measures. Applied Geography, 51, 99-107.

[59] Daniel K. Schleith and Mark W. Horner. 2014. Commuting, Job Clusters, and Travel Burdens: An Analysis of Spatially and Socioeconomically Disaggregate LEHD Data. In press in Transportation Research Record.

[58] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2014. Integrating people and place: A density-based measure for assessing accessibility to opportunities. Journal of Transportation and Land Use 5(2), 23-40.

[57] Joni A. Downs, Mark W. Horner, Garrett Hyzer, David Lamb, Rebecca Loraamm. 2014. Voxel-based probabilistic space-time prisms for analyzing animal movements and habitat use. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(5), 875-890.

[56] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2014. Adaptive-velocity time-geographic density estimation for mapping the potential and probable locations of mobile objects. Environment and Planning B, 41(6), 1006-1021.

[55] Joni A. Downs, Mark W. Horner, Rebecca Loraamm, James H. Anderson, Hyun Kim, Dave Onorato. 2013. Strategically locating wildlife crossing structures for Florida panthers using maximal covering approaches. Transactions in GIS 18(1), 46-65.

[54] Michael A. Niedzielski, Mark W. Horner, and Ningchuan Xiao. 2013. Analyzing Scale Independence in Jobs-Housing and Commute Efficiency Metrics. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 58, 129-143.

[53] Michael J. Widener, Steven Farber, Tijs Neutens, and Mark W. Horner.  2013.  Using Urban Commuting Data to Calculate a Spatiotemporal Accessibility Measure for Food Environment Studies.  Health and Place 21, 1-9.

[52] Christopher Coutts, Timothy Chapin, Mark W. Horner, and Crystal Taylor. 2013. County-level effects of green space access on physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 10(2), 232-240.

[51] Michael J. Widener, Mark W. Horner, and Sara Metcalf. 2013.  Simulating the effects of social networks on a population’s hurricane evacuation participation. Journal of Geographical Systems 15(2), 193-209.

[50] Mark W. Horner and Daniel Schleith. 2012.  Analyzing Temporal Changes in Land Use-Transportation Relationships: A LEHD-Based Approach. Applied Geography 35(1-2), 491-498.

[49] Mark W. Horner, Brandon Zook, and Joni A. Downs. 2012. Where were you? Development of a time-geographic approach for activity destination re-construction. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 36, 488-499.

[48] Tingting Zhao, Lindsey Bell, Mark W. Horner, John Sulik, and Jinfeng Zhang. 2012. Consumer Responses towards Home Energy Financial Incentives: A Survey-Based Study.  Energy Policy, 47, 291-297.

[47] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner.  2012.  Probabilistic potential path trees for visualizing and analyzing vehicle tracking data. Journal of Transport Geography, 23, 72-80.

[46]  Paul J. Maliszewski, Michael J. Kuby, and Mark W. Horner.  2012.  A comparison of multi-objective spatial dispersion models for managing critical assets in urban areas. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 36(4), 331-341.

[45] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2012. Analyzing infrequently sampled animal tracking data by incorporating generalized movement trajectories with kernel density estimation.  Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 36(4), 302-310.

[44] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2012. Enhancing Habitat Connectivity in Fragmented Landscapes: Spatial Modelling of Wildlife Crossing Structures in Transportation Networks.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(1), 17-34.

[43] Mark W. Horner and Michael J. Widener. 2011. The Effects of Transportation Network Failure on People’s Accessibility to Hurricane Disaster Relief Goods: A Modeling Approach and Application to a Florida Case Study. Natural Hazards 59(3), 1619-1634.

[42] Joni A. Downs, Mark W. Horner, and Tony Tucker. 2011. Time-geographic density estimation for home range analysis.  Annals of GIS 17(3),  163-171.

[41] Mark W. Horner, Tingting Zhao, and Timothy S. Chapin. 2011. Towards an Integrated GIScience and Energy Research Agenda. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101(4), 764-774.

[40] Tingting Zhao, Mark W. Horner, and John Sulik. 2011. A Geographic Approach to Sectoral Carbon Inventory: Examining the Balance between Consumption-Based Emissions and Land-Use Carbon Sequestration in Florida. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101(4), 752-763.

[39] Michael J. Widener and Mark W. Horner. 2011. A Hierarchical Approach to Modeling Hurricane Disaster Relief Goods Distribution. Journal of Transport Geography 19(4), 821-828.

[38] Mark W. Horner, Irene Casas, and Joni Downs. 2010. Exploration of a Polygon Decomposition Technique Based on the Ordinary Voronoi Diagram. Annals of GIS, 16(4), 223-236.

[37] Christopher J. Coutts, Mark W. Horner, and Timothy S. Chapin. 2010. Using GIS to model the effects of green space accessibility on mortality in Florida. Geocarto International 25(6), 471-484.

[36] Charles C. Layman and Mark W. Horner. 2010. Comparing Methods for Measuring Excess Commuting and Jobs-Housing Balance: An Empirical Analysis of Land Use Changes. Transportation Research Record 2174, 110-117.

[35] Mark W. Horner. 2010. How Does Ignoring Worker Class Affect Measuring Jobs-Housing Balance? Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. Transportation Research Record 2163, 57-64

[34] Paul J. Maliszewski and Mark W. Horner. 2010. A Spatial Modeling Framework for Siting Critical Supply Infrastructures. The Professional Geographer 62(3), 426-441.

[33] Mark W. Horner and Joni Downs. 2010. Optimizing hurricane disaster relief goods distribution: Model development and application with respect to planning strategies. Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management 34(3), 821-844.

[32] Mark W. Horner. 2010. Exploring the Sensitivity of Jobs-Housing Statistics to Imperfect Travel Time Information. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37(2), 367-375.

[31] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2009. A Characteristic-Hull Based Method for Home Range Estimation. Transactions in GIS 13(5-6), 527-537.

[30] Irene Casas, Mark W. Horner, and Joe Weber. 2009. A Comparison of Three Methods for Identifying Transport-Based Exclusion: A Case Study of Children’s Access to Urban Opportunities in Erie and Niagara Counties, NY. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 3(4), 227-245.

[29] Mark W. Horner and Bernadette Marion. 2009. Development of a Spatial Dissimilarity-Based Index of Jobs-Housing Balance: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Tests. Urban Studies, 46(3), 499-517.

[28] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2008. Effects of Point Pattern Shape on Home Range Estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(8), 1813-1818.

[27] Darren M. Scott and Mark W. Horner. 2008. Examining The Role of Urban Form In Shaping People’s Accessibility to Opportunities: An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of Transportation and Land Use 1(2), 89-119.

[26] Mark W. Horner and Joni Downs. 2008. An Analysis of the Effects of Socio-economic Status on Hurricane Disaster Relief Plans. Transportation Research Record 2067, 1-10.

[25] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2008. Spatial Modeling Pathways of Migratory Birds for Nature Reserve Site Selection. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(6), 687-702.

[24] Mark W. Horner. 2008. ‘Optimal’ Accessibility Landscapes? Development of a New Methodology for Simulating and Assessing Jobs-housing Relationships in Urban Regions. Urban Studies 45(8), 1583-1602.

[23] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2007. A Flexible GIS-Based Network Flow Model for Routing Hurricane Disaster Relief Goods. Transportation Research Record 2022, 47-54.

[22] Mark W. Horner and Morton E. O’Kelly. 2007. Is Non-work Travel Excessive? Journal of Transport Geography, 15(6), 411-416.

[21] Bernadette Marion and Mark W. Horner. 2007. A Comparison of the Socioeconomic and Demographic Profiles of ‘Extreme’ Commuters in Several US Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Transportation Research Record 2013, 38-45.

[20] Mark W. Horner and Ana Karina Mascarenhas. 2007. Spatial Accessibility to Dental Services: A Case Study of Ohio Dentists. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 67(2), 113-118.

[19] Mark W. Horner. 2007. A Multi-Scale Analysis of Urban Form and Commuting Change in a Small Metropolitan Area (1990-2000). Annals of Regional Science 41(1), 315-322.

[18] Mark W. Horner and Sara Groves. 2007. A Network Flow Based Approach to Siting Urban Rail Terminals. Socio-economic Planning Sciences 41(3), 255-268.

[17] Mark W. Horner and Jessica N. Mefford. 2007. Investigating Urban Spatial Mismatch Issues Using Jobs-housing Indicators to Model Home-work Separation. Environment and Planning A 39(6), 1420 -1440.

[16] Tony H. Grubesic and Mark W. Horner. 2006. Deconstructing the Divide: Extending Broadband xDSL Services to the Periphery. Environment and Planning B, 33(5), 685-704.

[15] Hazel Morrow-Jones, Katrin B. Anacker, Wenqin Chen, Mark W. Horner, and Edward J. Malecki. Rapid Property Turnover and Price Changes: An Exploratory Study in Forensic GIS. 2005. FOCUS on Geography, 48(3), 19-25.

[14] Mark W. Horner and Morton E. O’Kelly. 2005. A Combined Cluster and Interaction Model: The Hierarchical Assignment Problem. Geographical Analysis, 37(3), 315-335.

[13] Tae-Kyung Kim, Mark W. Horner and Robert Marans. 2005. Modeling Environmental Factors Affecting Residential and Job Locations. Housing Studies, 20(3), 457-473.

[12] Tae- Kyung Kim, Mark W. Horner and Hazel Morrow-Jones. 2004. Intraregional Migration Force and Urban Structure. The Southwestern Geographer, 8, 1-34.

[11] John Meaker and Mark W. Horner. 2004. An Examination of the Use of APRS Data for Enhancing Transportation Planning Operations. Transportation Research Record, 1870, 26-34.

[10] Mark W. Horner. 2004. Exploring Metropolitan Accessibility and Urban Structure. Urban Geography, 25(3), 264-284.

[9] Mark W. Horner and Alan T. Murray. 2004. Assessing Transit Service Coverage in Urban Regions. Environment and Planning B, 31(5), 785-797

[8] Mark W. Horner. 2004. Spatial Dimensions of Urban Commuting: A Review of Major Issues and Their Implications for Future Geographic Research. The Professional Geographer, 56(2), 160-174.

[7] Tae-Kyung Kim and Mark W. Horner. 2003. Exploring Spatial Effects on Urban Housing Duration. Environment and Planning A, 35 (8), 1415-1429.

[6] Morton E. O’Kelly and Mark W. Horner. 2003. Aggregate Accessibility to Population at the County Level, U.S. 1940-2000. Journal of Geographical Systems, 5(1), 5-23.

[5] Mark W. Horner and Alan T. Murray. 2003. A Multiobjective Approach to Improving Jobs-Housing Balance. Regional Studies, 37(2), 135-146.

[4] Mark W. Horner. 2002. Extensions to the Concept of Excess Commuting. Environment and Planning A, 34(3), 543-566.

[3] Mark W. Horner and Alan T. Murray. 2002. Excess Commuting and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem. Urban Studies, 39(1), 131-139.

[2] Mark W. Horner and Morton E. O’Kelly. 2001. Embedding Economy of Scale Concepts for Hub Network Design. Journal of Transport Geography, 9(4), 255-265.

[1] Mark W. Horner and Tony H. Grubesic. 2001. A GIS-Based Planning Approach to Siting Urban Rail Terminals. Transportation, 28(4), 55-77.

B. Book Chapters, Monographs, and Essays in Refereed Volumes

[7] Mark W. Horner and Michael J. Widener. 2010. How do Socioeconomic Characteristics Interact with Equity and Efficiency Considerations? An Analysis of Hurricane Disaster Relief Goods Provision. Book chapter in Geospatial Analysis in Urban Environments, Springer. B. Xiang and A. Yao, editors, pp. 393-414.

[6] Mark W. Horner. 2010. Scale in GIS. Entry in the Encyclopedia of Geography, edited by B. Warf et al., Sage Publishers.

[5] Mark W. Horner. 2009. “Location Analysis.” Entry in the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift.

[4] Mark W. Horner. 2006. “Transportation Geography.” Entry in the Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by Barney Warf et al., Sage Publishers, pp. 501-503.

[3] Mark W. Horner and Irene Casas. 2006. Viewpoints from the 2006 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Panel Sessions: Assessments of Research Needs in Transport Geography. Journal of Transport Geography, 14(3), 228-229.

[2] Mark W. Horner and Jessica N. Mefford. 2005. Examining the Spatial and Social Variation in Employment Accessibility: A Case Study of Bus Transit in Austin Texas. Book chapter in Access to Destinations: Rethinking Our Transportation Future, edited by David Levinson and Kevin Krizek, Elsevier Publishers, pp. 193-214.

[1] Mark W. Horner. 2004. Commuting, Congestion and Transport Sustainability. Book chapter in World Minds: 100 Solutions for Saving Planet Earth. Edited by Donald Janelle et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 171 – 175.

C. Refereed Conference Proceedings/Presentations

[48] Mark W. Horner and Daniel Schleith. 2013.  “Analyzing Temporal Changes in Land Use-Transportation Relationships Using the LEHD Database.”  Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[47] Michael J. Widener, Steven Farber, Tijs Neutens, and Mark W. Horner.  2013.  “Incorporating Spatiotemporal Accessibility and Activity Analysis in Urban Food Environment Studies.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[46] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2012.  “A Density Based Accessibility Measure for Mobile Objects.”  Proceedings of GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH.

[45] Joni A. Downs, Garrett Hyzer and Mark W. Horner.  2012. “Incorporating Uncertainty into Time-geographic Density Estimates.” Proceedings of GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH.

[44] Michael J. Widener and Mark W. Horner. 2012. “Representing Dynamic Urban Environments in Spatial Optimization Models.” Proceedings of GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH.

[43] Michael J. Widener, Steven Farber, Tijs Neutens, and Mark W. Horner.  2012.  “Incorporating Spatiotemporal Accessibility and Activity Analysis in Urban Food Environment Studies.” Proceedings of the Time Geography workshop at GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH.

[42] Joni Downs, Mark W. Horner, and Rebecca Loraamm. 2012. “Time-geographic approaches for visualizing human-wildlife interactions.” Proceedings of the Visualization Technologies Workshop, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, Annapolis, Maryland.

[41] Mark W. Horner, Brandon Zook, and Joni A. Downs. 2012. “Combining a time-geographic density approach with median-based clustering for activity destination re-construction.”  Proceedings of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

[40] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2012. “Network-based time-geographic density estimation for analyzing vehicle tracking data.”  Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[39] Paul J. Maliszewski, Mike Kuby, and Mark W. Horner. 2012. “Comprehensive Approaches to Critical Infrastructure Protection.”  Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[38] Michael J. Widener, Mark W. Horner, and Sara Metcalf. 2012. “Exploring the Role of Social Networks in Hurricane Evacuation Decisions.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[37] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2011. “An Adaptive-Velocity Time-geographic Density Estimator.”  Proceedings of Geocomputation 2011, London, England.

[36] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2011. “Where were you? A time-geographic approach to activity schedule re-construction.”  Proceedings of Geocomputation 2011, London, England.

[35] Mark W. Horner. 2011. “On the Use of Grey Information Theory as an Uncertainty Framework in GIScience.”  Proceedings of Geocomputation 2011, London, England.

[34] Mark W. Horner. 2010. “How Does Ignoring Worker Class Affect Measuring Jobs-Housing Balance? Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[33] Michael J. Widener and Mark W. Horner. 2010. “Adapting a Hierarchical Median Model for Hurricane Disaster Relief Planning.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[32] Charles C. Layman and Mark W. Horner. 2010. “Comparing Methods for Measuring Excess Commuting and Jobs-Housing Balance: An Empirical Analysis of Land Use Changes.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[31] Mark W. Horner, Irene Casas, and Joni A. Downs. 2009. “Spatial Data Approximation with Voronoi Diagrams.” Proceedings of the ICA workshop on geospatial analysis and modeling, Gavle, Sweden.

[30] Mark W. Horner. 2009. “Analyzing the Robustness of Jobs-Housing Metrics Due to Travel Time Uncertainty.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[29] Mark W. Horner and Michael J. Widener. 2009. “How do Socioeconomic Characteristics Interact with Equity and Efficiency Considerations? Transportation Planning for Hurricane Disaster Relief.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[28] Michael J. Widener and Mark W. Horner. 2008. “A Geospatial Framework for Incorporating Behavioral Response and Infrastructure Uncertainty into the Analysis of Extreme Events.” Proceedings of GIScience 2008, Park City, UT, USA.

[27] Mark W. Horner and Joni Downs. 2008. “Socioeconomic Impacts on Hurricane Disaster Relief Provision.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[26] Mark W. Horner and Joni Downs. 2008. “Optimizing Goods Shipments with an Application to the Florida Department of Emergency Management Relief Plan.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[25] Mark W. Horner. 2008. “Optimal Accessibility Landscapes and Jobs-Housing Balance.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[24] Bernadette Marion and Mark W. Horner. 2008. “Development of a Spatial Dissimilarity-Based Index of Jobs-Housing Balance: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Tests.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[23] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2007. “Network-Based Kernel Density Estimation for Home Range Analysis.” Proceedings of Geocomputation 2007, Maynooth, Ireland.

[22] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2007. “Network-based Home Range Analysis Using Delaunay Triangulation.” Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD 2007), Glamorgan, United Kingdom.

[21] Bernadette Marion and Mark W. Horner. 2007. “Spatializing the Dissimilarity Index for Measuring Jobs-Housing Balance.” Proceedings of the Conference on Access to Destinations II, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

[20] Mark W. Horner. 2007. “Optimal Accessibility Landscapes: A New Model for Measuring Jobs-Housing Balance.” Proceedings of the Conference on Access to Destinations II, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

[19] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2007 “Characterizing Linear Point Patterns.” Proceedings of the GIS Research UK Annual Conference (GISRUK 2007), Maynooth, Ireland.

[18] Mark W. Horner and Joni A. Downs. 2007. “A Flexible GIS-Based Network Flow Model for Routing Hurricane Disaster Relief Goods.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[17] Mark W. Horner, Bernadette Marion, and Sharla Lair. 2007. “A first look at the socioeconomic, demographic, and travel characteristics of ‘extreme commuters:’ A disaggregate analysis of journey-to-work travel in the Atlanta, MSA.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[16] Bernadette Marion and Mark W. Horner. 2007. “A Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Extreme Commuters in Selected Metropolitan Areas.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[15] Irene Casas, Mark W. Horner, and Joe Weber. 2007. “A Comparison of Three Methods for Identifying Transport-Based Exclusion: A Case Study of Children’s Access to Urban Opportunities in Erie and Niagara Counties, NY.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[14] Joni A. Downs and Mark W. Horner. 2006. “Spatial-Temporal Network Topology for Modeling Migratory Pathways of Wetland-Dependent Birds.” Proceedings, GIScience 2006, Muenster, Germany.

[13] Bernadette Marion, Mark W. Horner, and Sharla Lair. 2006. “Extreme Commuters: A First Look.” Proceedings of the STAR New Scholar’s Conference on Sustainable Transportation, Bloomington, IA.

[12] Irene Casas, Mark W. Horner, and Joe Weber. 2006. “A Comparison of Three Accessibility Measures: Implications for Sustainable Transport and Social Exclusion.” Proceedings of the STAR New Scholar’s Conference on Sustainable Transportation, Bloomington, IA.

[11] Mark W. Horner. 2006. “Urban Form and Commuting Change in a Small Metropolitan Area: A GIS-Based Analysis Using the Census CTPP (1990-2000).” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[10] Jessica N. Mefford and Mark W. Horner. 2006. “Institutional Perspectives on Bus Transit Accessibility and Service Provision: A Qualitative Approach.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[9] Tony H. Grubesic, Mark W. Horner, Matthew Zook and Thomas Leinbach. 2006. “Global Distribution Systems and the U.S. Commercial Air Industry: Using Real-Time Airline Flight and Fare Information for Spatial and Economic Analysis”. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[8] Mark W. Horner and Jessica N. Mefford. 2005. “GIS-Based Strategies for Measuring Worker Accessibility to Job Opportunities: The Case of Bus Transit.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[7] Darren M. Scott and Mark W. Horner. 2005. “Does Urban Form Contribute to Social Exclusion? An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[6] Sara Groves and Mark W. Horner. 2005. “Network Flow-based Optimization Methods for Siting Rail Park-and-ride Terminal Locations.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

[5] Jessica N. Mefford and Mark W. Horner. 2004. “Accessibility and the Transit Planning Process: Merging Institutional and Spatial Perspectives.” Proceedings, Conference on Access to Destinations, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

[4] Mark W. Horner. 2004. “On Voronoi-Based Representations of Irregular Polygon Data and Their Suitability for Spatial Analysis.” Proceedings, GIScience 2004, Washington D.C., pp.289-290.

[3] John Meaker and Mark W. Horner. 2004. “An Examination of the Use of APRS Data for Enhancing Transportation Planning Operations.” Proceedings, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC., Annual Meeting CD-ROM.

[2] Jessica N. Mefford and Mark W. Horner. 2003. “Modeling Residential and Workplace Dispersion: An Exploratory Analysis of Urban Spatial Mismatch.” Proceedings, Applied Geography Conference, Colorado Springs CO, pp. 40-48.

[1] Mark W. Horner and Morton E. O’Kelly. 2002. “Rethinking Representation in Spatial Models.” Proceedings, GIScience 2002, Boulder CO, pp. 25-28.