

The Department of Political Science at Florida State houses an active research community that fosters collaboration within and beyond the department. Visit the links below to learn more about our research interests and activities. 

Collaborative Research Groups

Centers and Institutes


Included in our By-Laws are the major policies and procedures adopted by the Department of Political Science (DPS). In addition to these policies, the faculty and department are governed by policies described in the Florida State University Faculty Handbook, the General Bulletin, the Graduate Bulletin, the Collective Bargaining Agreement and other policies developed and interpreted by the university administration.

You can read our By-Laws here




Travel Forms

Administrative Forms

General Spending/Purchasing Guidelines

  • All purchases require prior approval. This applies to purchases made directly by FSU and to purchases to be reimbursed by FSU.
  • *Travel expenses are reimbursed through Concur or put on the Tcard. A travel authorization must be approved before travel purchases are made. Do not make any travel-related purchases without an approved travel authorization. The FSU Travel Reference Guide can be found here.
  • *Memberships, training fees, and data purchases are purchased with the Pcard. All memberships must be purchased directly by FSU on the Pcard. Memberships are not reimbursable.
  • *Books, tech equipment (not including software), teaching paraphernalia, office supplies, etc. are purchased through SpearMart. Non-routine or otherwise special purchases may require additional approval and documentation prior to the purchase. The FSU Shopping Guide can be found here: https://procurement.fsu.edu/how-buy/shopping-guide.
  • Software purchases require approval from ITS and Procurement Services.

*These guidelines are general and are not comprehensive of all item types and purchasing circumstances.