Matthew T. Pietryka is an associate professor in the Florida State University Political Science department. His research examines how individuals’ political attitudes and voting behavior are influenced by the people around them. Pietryka teaches courses on political behavior, political psychology, media and politics, social network analysis, research methods, and R programming.
2012 Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Courses Taught
Social Network Analysis (graduate)
Political Psychology (graduate)
Political Research Methods (undergraduate)
Media and Politics (undergraduate)
Research Activities
xs/fs Experimental Research Group
Selected Publications
Pietryka, Matthew T., Jack Reilly, Patrick Miller, Daniel Maliniak, Ronald B. Rapoport, and Robert Huckfeldt. 2017.
“From Respondents to Networks: Bridging between Individuals, Discussants, and the Network in the Study of Political Discussion.” Political Behavior, forthcoming.
Pietryka, Matthew T. and Donald A. DeBats. 2017. “It’s Not Just What You Have, but Who You Know: Networks, Social Proximity to Elites, and Voting in State and Local Elections.” American Political Science Review, 111(2): 360-378.
Pietryka, Matthew T. 2016. “Accuracy Motivations, Predispositions, and Social Information in Political Discussion Networks.” Political Psychology, 37(3): 367–386.
Matthew Pietryka
Associate Professor
Specialization: Political behavior, Political communication, Social networks, Campaigns
Areas of Interest: American Politics, Political Methodology
Bellamy 561 (Tuesday 2-3 p.m. or by appointment at this link