Amy Burdette


Ph.D. in Sociology, Univ of Texas at Austin
M.A. in Sociology, Univ of South Carolina
B.A. in Sociology, Winthrop Univ

Professional Experience

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Carolina Population Center, Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Selected Publications

Burdette, Amy M. Terrence D. Hill and Lauren Hale. Forthcoming. “Household Disrepair and the Mental Health of Low-income Urban Women.” Urban Health

Burdette, Amy M., Christopher G. Ellison, Terrence D. Hill and Norval Glenn. 2009 “Hooking up at College: Does Religion Make a Difference?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48: 535-551

Burdette, Amy M. and Terrence D. Hill. 2008 “An Examination of Processes Linking Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Obesity” Social Science and Medicine 67: 38-46.

Burdette, Amy M., Christopher G. Ellison, Darren Sherkat and Kurt Gore. 2007 “Are there Religious Variations in Marital Infidelity?” Journal of Family Issues 28: 1553-1581.

Amy Burdette

Faculty, CDPH; Professor of Sociology; Director, Public Health Program; Associate, Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy

Specialization: Research focuses primarily on connections between religion, neighborhood context and health across the life course, with special attention to disadvantaged populations.

Areas of Interest: Health and Illness Sociology of Religion Neighborhood Context

Claude Pepper Center Bldg, Room 230

(850) 644-2833

Curriculum Vitae