Ph.D. in Sociology with specialization in Medical Sociology, University of Miami (FL), 2000.
Professional Experience
Assistant to Full Professor, Department of Sociology, and Research Associate, Center for the Study of Demography and Population Health, Florida State University. August 2000 – present.
Selected Publications
Weissman, Judith D., David Russell, and John Taylor. Forthcoming. “The Relationship between Financial Stressors, Chronic Pain and High Impact Chronic Pain: Findings from the 2019 National Health Interview Survey.” Public Health Reports.
Weissman, Judith D., David Russell, and John Taylor. 2022. “Disparities in Opioid Prescribing for Long-Term Chronic and Short-Term Acute Pain: Findings from the 2019 National Health Interview Survey” Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research:315-334.
DeAngelis, Reed, John Taylor, and Katherine Friedman. 2020. “Parental Status and Biological Functioning: Findings from the Nashville Stress and Health Study.” Population Research and Policy Review 39:365-74.
Taylor, John, Michael J. McFarland, and Dawn C. Carr. 2019. “Age, Perceptions of Mattering, and Allostatic Load.” Journal of Aging and Health 31: 1830-49.
Taylor, John. 2015. “Gender Orientation and the Cost of Caring for Others.” Society and Mental Health. 5: 49-65.
Taylor, John and David Eitle. 2015. “The Moderating Role of BIS/BAS Personality Tendencies in the Relationship Between General Strain and Crime.” Deviant Behavior 36: 874-89.
Taylor, John and R. Jay Turner. 2002. “Perceived Discrimination, Social Stress, and Psychological Distress in the Transition to Adulthood: Racial/Ethnic Contrasts.” Social Psychology Quarterly 65:213-225.
Taylor, John and R. Jay Turner. 2001 “A Longitudinal Study of the Role and Significance of Mattering for Depressive Symptoms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42:309-324.

John Taylor
Director, CDPH; Professor of Sociology
Specialization: Dr. Taylor’s ongoing research broadly focuses on social status disparities in population health. His work is informed by the stress process perspective to identify risk and protective factors that underlie population health. Much of his current research employs data from the Nashville Stress and Health Study, which collected from a community-based sample of adults residing in Davidson County, Tennessee. He currently serves as Deputy Editor for the Society and Mental Health.
Areas of Interest: Racial/Ethnic health disparities; The stress process; The role of mattering in physical and mental health
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