Ph.D. 2003 Sociology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Professional Experience
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 2015-present.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 2009-present.
Research Associate, Center for Demography & Population Health,Florida State University, 2003-present.
Selected Publications
For an up-to-date list of publications visit Professor Tillman’s Curriculum Vitae.

Kathryn H. Tillman
Faculty, CDPH; Professor of Sociology; Chair, Department of Sociology
Specialization: Dr. Tillman's current research focuses on the educational and behavioral outcomes of youth/adolescents, the adaptation of immigrant youth, and the importance of family contexts for individual development and well-being. She is also engaged in an examination of the ways in which researchers have conventionally defined and measured the "family," and an exploration of alternatives that may more closely reflect the realities of our changing society.
Areas of Interest: Families and Adolescents; Immigration Adaptation; Race and Ethnicity; Social Demography
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