Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Duke University, 2005
M.A, Department of Sociology, Duke University, 2002
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008
Selected Publications
Taylor, Miles G. 2010. “Capturing Transitions and Trajectories: The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Later Life Disability.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 10.1093/geronb/gbq018
Lynch, Scott M., J. Scott Brown and Miles G. Taylor. 2009. “The Demography of Disability.” International Handbook of the Demography of Aging. (Springer-Verlag).
Kamp Dush, Claire, Miles G. Taylor and Rhiannon Kroeger 2008. “Marital Happiness and Well-Being over the Life Course” Family Relations, Special Issue 57: 211-226.
Taylor, Miles G. 2008. “Timing, Accumulation, and the Black/White Disability Gap in Later Life: A Test of Weathering.” Research on Aging: Special Issue on Race, SES, and Health 30: 226-250.
Morgan, S. Philip and Miles G. Taylor. 2006. “Low Fertility at the Turn of the 21st Century” Annual Review of Sociology, 32, 375-399.

Miles Taylor
Faculty, CDPH; Professor of Sociology; Director, Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy
Specialization: Dr. Taylor's research focuses on physical and mental health among older adults, including functional impairment, chronic disease, and mortality. Her most recent project deals with racial disparities in disability trajectories across later life and the intersection of demographic, contextual, psychological, and interpersonal factors in the disablement process that fuel race differences. She is also interested in marital and family relationships across the life course, including the enduring relationship of marital quality and health and the effects of grandparents in the lives of adolescents.
Areas of Interest: Aging and the Life Course; Inequality and Health; Population Health and Change; Family Dynamics and Well-Being; Quantitative Methods for Trajectory Analysis
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