BS-MPH Combined Pathway


Increase your career opportunities. Get a jumpstart on graduate school. Save time and tuition expenses.

This pathway provides academically talented undergraduate students the opportunity* to complete both degrees expeditiously.

  • Count up to 12 graduate credit hours toward both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • Apply for undergraduate financial aid opportunities for the undergraduate portion of graduate-level classes.**
  • Explore graduate coursework as an undergraduate student and ease the transition to graduate school.

* Admission into the Combined Pathway does not grant admission into the MPH program. Students must still apply to the MPH program by the appropriate deadlines.

Admission into the Combined Pathway forgoes any opportunity to apply or enroll in the Joint Pathway between Urban Regional Planning and Public Health. Any courses taken under the Combined Pathway are subject to approval for transfer to a program outside of the FSU MPH program.

**Please contact Student Business Services for further information about your financial opportunities being used

Any grade lower than a “B” will be ineligible to transfer for MPH credit.

Eligibility Requirements

Major: Any undergraduate major is eligible.

Minimum Criteria:

  • 3.5 FSU GPA
  • 90 credit hours of completed coursework (60 credit hours if Honors student)
  • Minimum two semesters and 24 credit hours completed at FSU
  • One-page paper showing intent and interest in the program

If you want to apply, fill out the form:

Deadlines to Apply:

  • Spring: November 1st
  • Summer: March 15th
  • Fall: July 1st

Enrollment Procedures

  • If you have any questions regarding your application, please email
  • If you receive a favorable admission decision, you may meet with Dr. Mahony to discuss course scheduling.

BSPH – MPH Class Equivalents

Bachelor of Science in Public Health CoursesMaster of Public Health Courses
PHC 4030 – Intro to EpidemiologyPHC 5001 or URP 5521 – Public Health Epidemiology
PHC 4157 – Health Policy and SocietyPHC 5155 – Health Services Organization & Policy
PHC 4047 (prev 4320) – Environmental HealthPHC 5300 – Environmental Health
PHC 4470 – Health Behavior and PromotionPHC 5475 or URP 5525 – Health Behavior
*PHC 4069 – Biostatistics*ECP 5538 – Health Policy Statistics
GIS CourseGIS 5101/L or URP 5272 (Electives for MPH only)
*It is not suggested for a student to take ECP 5538 through the Combined Pathway. Per the student handbook, students who complete PHC 4069 (or equivalent) with a “B” or higher within the last five years (at the time of application to MPH) may be waived from ECP 5538. Students must replace the core course with an elective to reach the minimum 43 credit hours to graduate with an MPH.