Alan Rowan, DrPH, MPA, CPH


Alan Rowan, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in Environmental Epidemiology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2002. Dr. Rowan has worked in health for over 35 years and started as an Emergency Medical Technician in Emergency Rooms and then worked for the National Institute of Health/National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland within the Clinical Trials Branch. Dr. Rowan worked for the health department for over 16 years; starting out at the Gadsden County Health Department; and then at the state health department, working in Environmental Health as the regional epidemiologist, Coordinator of the Birth Defects Registry, Pesticide, and Lead programs. Dr. Rowan helped create the Florida Epidemic Intelligence Service and the Aquatic Toxins program.  He was interim Bureau Chief of the Florida State Labs and the Director for the Division of Health Access and Tobacco. Currently, he is a faculty member teaching Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Comparative Health, and the Internship Class.


Courses Taught

Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Comparative Health, and the Internship Class.


Alan Rowan, DrPH, MPA, CPH

DrPH, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Director of Public Health Program and Teaching Professor

Areas of Interest: Epidemiology and Diseases of Environmental Origin

Claude Pepper Center Building, Room 210