Katie Sherron, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Economics from the University of Florida in 2009, but don’t hold her former status as a Gator against her; Dr. Sherron considers herself a full Seminole and has been teaching at FSU since 2008. Dr. Sherron is the Director of the M.S. in Applied Economics program and a Teaching Professor of Economics at Florida State University. She has taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels including Principles of Micro and Macroeconomics, Health Economics, Health Policy Statistics, and Applied Microeconomics. One of her favorite roles is keeping in touch with alumni and setting up Career Day in the fall and spring for the master’s students. The most rewarding part of her job is facilitating growth in her students and watching them mature and become professionals.
Dr. Sherron grew up in Michigan and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Economics from Hope College in 2003. Dr. Sherron enjoys running, learning, and playing outdoors with her husband and their two young children. She’s trying to get the hang of travel.
2009 Ph. D, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. Major: Economics.
2005 M.A., UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. Major: Economics.
2003 B.A, Hope College. Major: Economics, Mathematics.
Courses Taught
Applied Microeconomics I (ECO5114)
Directed Individual Study (ECO5906)
Health Policy Statistics (ECP5538)
Professional Development (ECO5922)
Applied Economics Internship (ECO5942)
Economics of Health (ECP4530)
Economics of Health (ECP5536)
Special Topics: Big Data (ECO5936)
Applied Master’s Project (ECO5973)
Economic Analysis: Solving and Communicating a Consulting Project (ECO5973L)
Applied Microeconomics II (ECO5117)
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO2013)
The U.S. Health System Economics and Policy (OLLI)
Applied Health Economics (ECP5537)
Directed Individual Study (ECO4905)
Principles of Microeconomics (ECO2023)
Directed Individual Study (ECO5907)
Economics of Health (ECP3530)
Introduction to Economics (ECO2000)
Senior Tutorial in Economics (ECO4933)
Awards & Honors
Outstanding Graduate Teaching – Nominee, Florida State University (2023). Nominee. Award announced Spring 2024.
Thank-a-Professor program, Center for Advancement and Teaching (2022). Sent by student in ECP5538.
Graduate Teaching Award Nominee, Florida State University (2017).
Undergraduate Teaching Award, Florida State University (2013).
Center for Study of Public Choice (2009).
Lockhart Award, University of Florida (2009).
Lockhart Award, University of Florida (2007).
Professional Experience
2021–present Director, Master’s in Applied Economics, Economics, Florida State University.
2019–present Teaching Faculty III (Teaching Professor), Economics, Florida State University.
2018–2021 Assistant Director, Master’s in Applied Economics, Economics, Florida State University.
2014–2018 Teaching Faculty II (Associate Teaching Professor), Economics, Florida State University.
2009–2014 Teaching Faculty I (Assistant Teaching Professor), Economics, Florida State University.
2008–2010 Adjunct Instructor, Economics, Florida State University.
2007–2008 Adjunct Instructor, Economics, Keiser University. Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics.
2005 Graduate Student Teacher, Health Care Economics, University of Florida.
Selected Publications
Invited Presentations at Conferences
Sherron, K. A., Kitchens, C., & Norton, D. (presented 2023, December). Medicare for All. Presentation at Philosophy Politics and Economics: The Health Sector, Florida State University, Florida State University. (Local)
Philosophy Politics and Economics: The Health Sector December 7, 2023 12 – 5 pm.
Sherron, K. (presented 2016). The Affordable Care Act and International Healthcare Tourism. Presentation at International Business Conference, St. Leo University. (International)
Showman, K. A. (presented 2009, March). Evidence on the Effects of Inter-School District Competition: Comparisons of State- Limited School District States with Other States. Presentation at Public Choice Society, Las Vegas, NV. (National)
Showman, K. A. (presented 2007, March). Does This Test Make Me Look Fat? Economic Consequnces of Adolescent Weight and Height. Presentation at American Education Finance Association, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. (National)
Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work
Sherron, K. A. (2022, October). Master’s in Applied Economics Program. Delivered at NABE, Florida State University. (Local)
Sherron, K. (2017). The Affordable Care Act: Past, Present and Future. Delivered at Florida State University Economics Club. (Local)
Sherron, K. (2016). An Introduction to the Affordable Care Act. Delivered at Economics Club. (Local)
Sherron, K. (2015). An Introduction to the Affordable Care Act. Delivered at Economics Club. (Local)
Sherron, K. (2014). An Introduction to the Affordable Care Act. Delivered at Economics Club. (Local)
Sherron, K. (2013). An Introduction to the Affordable Care Act. Delivered at Economics Club. (Local)
Contracts and Grants Funded
MacPherson, David A (Co-PI), McCaleb, Thomas S (Co-PI), Norrbin, Stefan C (PI), Norrbin, Onsurang (Co-PI), & Sherron, Katie A (Co-PI). (Aug 2017–Jun 2018). Review Of The Florida Child Support Guidelines. Funded by Florida Legislature. Total award $250,000.

Katie Sherron, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor & Director of Applied Economics Program
Bellamy Building, Room 267