The Master of Public Health Program is an interdisciplinary program whose students take courses in several different departments at Florida State University.The faculty that teach in the MPH program are involved in a number of different health-related research projects
McFarland, M., Taylor, J., Hill, T., & Friedman, K. L. (2018). Stressful life events in early life and leukocyte telomere length in adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research, 35, 37-45.
McFarland, M. (2017). Poverty and problem behaviors across the early life course: The role of sensitive period exposure. Population Research and Policy Review, 36, 739-760.
McFarland, M., McLanahan, S., Goosby, B., & Reichman, N. (2017). Grandparent’s education and infant health: Pathways across generations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 784-800.
Jung, J., & Uejio, C. K. (2017). Social media responses to heat waves. International journal of biometeorology, 61(7), 1247-1260. doi:10.1007/s00484-016-1302-0 [doi]
Uejio, C. K., Christenson, M., Moran, C., & Gorelick, M. (2017). Drinking-water treatment, climate change, and childhood gastrointestinal illness projections for northern Wisconsin (USA) communities drinking untreated groundwater. Hydrogeology Journal, 25(4), 969-979. doi:10.1007/s10040-016-1521-9
Uejio, C. K. (2017). Temperature Influences on Salmonella Infections across the Continental United States. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(3), 751-764. doi:10.1080/24694452.2016.1261681
Tamerius, J., Ojeda, S., Uejio, C. K., Shaman, J., Lopez, B., Sanchez, N., & Gordon, A. (2017). Influenza transmission during extreme indoor conditions in a low-resource tropical setting. International journal of biometeorology, 61(4), 613-622. doi:10.1007/s00484-016-1238-4 [doi]
Kuras, E., Bernhard, M., Calkins, M., Ebi, K., Hess, J., Kintziger, K., Jagger, M., Middel, A., Scott, A., Spector, J., Uejio, C. K., Vanos, J. K., Zaitchik, B. F., Gohlke, J. M., &
Hondula, D. H. (2017). Opportunities and challenges for personal heat exposure research. Environmental health perspectives, 11-17.
Burdette, A. M., Needham, B. L., Taylor, M., & Hill, T. D. (2017). Health Lifestyles in Adolescence and Self-Rated Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 58, 520-536.
Burdette, A. M., Webb, N. S., Hill, T. D., & Jokinen-Gordon, H. (2017). Race/Ethnic-Specific Trends in HPV Vaccinations and Provider Recommendations: Persistent Disparities or Social Progress? Public Health, 142, 167-176.
Tope, D., Rawlinson, B., Pickett, J., Burdette, A., & Ellison, C. G. (2017). Religion, Race, and ‘Othering’ of Barack Obama. Social Currents, 4, 51-70.
McFarland, M., Wagner, B., & Marklin, S. (2016). College education and sense of control: A twin-discordant design. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2, 1-12. doi:2378023116656011
Conlon, K. C., Kintziger, K. W., Jagger, M., Stefanova, L., Uejio, C. K., & Konrad, C. (2016). Working with Climate Projections to Estimate Disease Burden: Perspectives from Public Health. International journal of environmental research and public health, 13(8), 10.3390/ijerph130808. doi:10.3390/ijerph13080804 [doi]
Uejio, C. K., Tamerius, J. D., Vredenburg, J., Asaeda, G., Isaacs, D. A., Braun, J., Quinn, A., & Freese, J. P. (2016). Summer indoor heat exposure and respiratory and cardiovascular distress calls in New York City, NY, US. Indoor Air, 26(4), 594–604. doi:10.1111/ina.12227
Widen, H. M., Elsner, J. B., Pau, S., & Uejio, C. K. (2016). Graphical Inference in Geographical Research. Geographical Analysis, 48(2), 115-131. doi:10.1111/gean.12085
Hill, T. D., Ellison, C. G., Burdette, A. M., Taylor, J., & Friedman, K. L. (2016). Religious Involvement and Leukocyte Telomere Length. Social Science and Medicine, 163, 168-175.
Hill, T. D., Burdette, A. M., Angel, J. L., & Taylor, J. (2016). Religious Attendance and the Mobility Trajectories of Older Mexican Americans: An Application of the Growth Mixture Model. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 118-134.
Uecker, J. E., Ellison, C. G., Flannelly, K. J., & Burdette, A. M. (2016). Human Sinfulness, Divine Forgiveness, and Mental Health: Evidence from a Sample of U.S. Adults. Review of Religious Research, 58, 1-26.
Kim, A., Coutts, C., Newman, J., Brandon-Lai, S., & Kim, M. (2016). Social Geographies at
Play: Mapping the Spatial Politics of Community-Based Youth Sport Participation. Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(1), 39-72.
Yeo, Y-H., Lee, K-H., & Kim, H-J. (2016). A Case Study of Local Public Hospital Closure in
Korea: Focusing on the Organizational Life Cycle. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 8:1-11.
Lee, K-H., Lim, S., & Park, J. (2016). Expelled Uninsured Patients in a Less-Competitive
Hospital Market. International Journal for Equity in Health, 15(85), 9. doi:10.1186/s12939-016-0375-z
Lim, S., Berry, F., & Lee, K-H. (2016). Stakeholders in the Same Bed with Different Dreams:
Semantic Network Analysis of Issue Interpretation in Risk Policy related to Mad Cow Disease. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(1), 79-93.
McFarland, M., & Wagner, B. (2015). Does a college education reduce depressive symptoms in American young adults. Social Science and Medicine, 146, 75-84.
Uejio, C. K., Mak, S., Manangan, A., Luber, G., & Bartlett, K. H. (2015). Climatic Influences on Cryptococcus gattii Populations, Vancouver Island, Canada, 2002-2004. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22(4), 763-763. doi:10.3201/eid2111.141161
Jacobs, A., Hill, T. D., & Burdette, A. M. (2015). Does Health Insurance Promote the Mental Health of Low-Income Urban Women? Society and Mental Health, 5, 1-15.
Bae, S., Kwon, S., Coutts, C., Park, S., & Feiock, R. (2015). Development impact fees: A vehicle
or restraint for land development? Journal of Local Self-Government, 13(4), 1047-1065.
Coutts, C., & Hahn, M. (2015). Green infrastructure, ecosystem services, and human health.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(8), 9768-9798.
Lee, K-H., Park, J., Lim, S., & Park, S. (2015). Has Competition Increased Hospital Technical
Efficiency. The Health Care Manager, 34(2), 106-112.
Park, J., Lee, K-H., & Kim, P. (2015). Participative Management and Perceived Organizational
Performance: The Moderating Effects of Innovative Organizational Culture. Public Performance and Management Review, 39, 316-336.
Park, S., Lee, K-H., Kim, K., & Park, J. (2015). Urban Politics, Collaborative Governance and
Public Health. Journal of the Korean Association for Governance, 22(3), 145-166
Coutts, C., Forkink, A., & Weiner, J. (2014). The Portrayal of Natural Environment in the Evolution of the Ecological Public Health Paradigm. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, online.
Lozano-Fuentes, S., M.H. Hayden, C. Welsh-Rodriguez, C. Ochoa-Martinez, B. Tapia-Santos, K.C. Kobylinski, C.K. Uejio, E. Zielinski-Gutierrez, L. Della Monache, A.J. Monaghan, D.F. Steinhoff, L. Eisen. The Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector Aedes aegypti at high elevation in Mexico. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (In Press)
Feiock RC, Lee IW, Park HJ, Lee KH. (forthcoming) “Policy Networks among Local Elected Officials:
Information, Commitment, and Risk Aversion.” Urban Affairs Review.
Uejio, C.K., T.W. Peters, J.A. Patz. Inland lake indicator bacteria: Long-term impervious surface and weather influences and a predictive Bayesian model. Lake and Reservoir Management. (In Press)
Application for NASA Research Announcement Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science: Wilhelmi, O., Chris Uejio (2010-2013)
Burdette, Amy M. (2013). Forthcoming “Neighborhood Context and Breastfeeding Behaviors among Urban Mothers” Journal of Human Lactation
Coutts, C., & Berke, T. (2013). The extent and context of human health considerations in London’s spatial development and climate action strategy. Urban Planning and Development, 139(4), 322-330.
Coutts, C., Chapin, T., & Horner, M. (2013). The county-level effects of green space access on physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10(2), 232-240.
Feiock, R., & Coutts, C. (2013). Governing the sustainable city. Cityscape, 15(1), 1-8.
Burdette, Amy M., Stacy H. Haynes and Christopher G. Ellison. “Religion, Race/Ethnicity, and Perceived Barriers to Marriage among Working-Age Adults” Sociology of Religion 73: 429-451.
Burdette, Amy M. and Natasha Pilkauskas. (2012). “Maternal Religious Involvement and Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration” American Journal of Public Health 102: 1865-1868
Burdette, Amy M., Janet Weeks, Terrence D. Hill, and Isaac W. Eberstein. (2012). “Maternal Religious
Involvement and Low Birth Weight.” Social Science and Medicine 74: 1961-1967.
Burdette, Amy M. and Belinda L. Needham. (2012). “Neighborhood Environment and BMI Trajectories from Adolescence to Adulthood” Journal of Adolescent Health 50: 30-37.
Coutts, C. (2012). Creating connected open space in Florida: The influence on human use for recreation. Managing Leisure, 17(1), 67-74.
Ellison, Christopher G. and Amy M. Burdette. (2012). “Religion and the Sense of Control among U.S.
Adults” Sociology of Religion 73:1-22.
Hill, Terrence, Daphne Cain, Elaine Maccio, and Amy M. Burdette. “Client Perceptions of Welfare Caseworker Support and Client Mental Health: Longitudinal Evidence from the Welfare, Children, and Families Project” Social Service Review 86: 594-603.
Local Mitigation Strategy Plan Revision and Update Initiative: Tim Chapin, Chris Coutts (Jan 2011 – Oct 2012)
Miles, R., Coutts, C., & Mohamadi, A. (2012). Neighborhood urban form, social environment, and depression. Journal of Urban Health, 89(1), 1-18.
The Local Benefits of Sustainability Symposium: Richard Feiock, Chris Coutts (Aug 2011- Mar 2012)
Research Fellowship: Terrence Hill (2012)
Research Fellowship: Amy Burdette (2012)
Uejio, C.K., A. Kemp, and A.C. Comrie, (2012) Summer Precipitation Controls on West Nile Virus and Sindbis Virus Transmission and Outbreaks in South Africa. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 12, 2, 117-125
Burdette, Amy M. Terrence D. Hill and Lauren Hale. (2011). “Household Disrepair and the Mental
Health of Low-income Urban Women.” Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 88: 142-153.
Coutts, C., Basmajian, C., & Chapin, T. (2011). Projecting landscapes of death. Landscape and Urban Planning, 102(4), 254-261.
Coutts, C., & Miles, R. (2011). Greenways as green magnets: The relationship between the race of greenway users and race in proximal neighborhoods. Journal of Leisure Research, 43(3), 317-333.
Coutts, C., & Taylor, C. (2011). Putting the capital “E” environment into ecological models of health. Journal of Environmental Health, 74(4), 26-29.
Ellison, Christopher G., Amy M. Burdette and Norval D. Glenn. (2011). “Praying for Mr. Right? Religion, Family Background, and Marital Expectations among College Women” Journal of Family Issues 32: 906-931.
Green Infrastructure Connectivity and Human Health in Florida: Chris Coutts (2011)
Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health Related Research:Terrence Hill (2011)
Uejio, C.K., O. Wilhelmi, J. Golden, D. Mills, S.P. Gulino, J. Samenow, (2011) Intra-Urban Spatial Patterns of Societal Vulnerability to Extreme Heat: The role of heat exposure and the built environment, socioeconomics, and neighborhood stability. Health and Place, 17, 2, 498-507
A Comparative Study on Health Policy Making Process between South Korea and the United States – Focusing on Legislative Branches: Keon Lee (2010)
Basmajian, C., & Coutts, C. (2010). Planning for the disposal of the dead. Journal of the American Planning Association, 76(3), 305-317.
Burdette, Amy M. and Kerry McLoughlin. (2010). “Using Census Data in the Classroom to Increase Quantitative Literacy and Promote Critical Thinking” Teaching Sociology 38: 247-257.
Coutts, C., Horner, M., & Chapin, T. (2010). Using GIS to model the effects of green space accessibility on mortality in Florida. Geocarto International, 25(6), 471-484.
Coutts, C. (2010). Green infrastructure and public health in the Florida Communities Trust land acquisition program. Planning Practice and Research, 25(4), 439-459.
Coutts, C. (2010). Public health ecology. Journal of Environmental Health, 72(6), 53-55.
Ellison, Christopher G., Amy M. Burdette and W. Bradford Wilcox. (2010). “The Couple that Prays Together: Race/Ethnicity, Religion and Relationship Quality” Journal of Marriage and Family 72: 963-975
Grant Development Award: Chris Coutts (2010)
Hale, Lauren, Terrence D. Hill and Amy M. Burdette (2010). “Sleep Quality as a Mediator of Neighborhood Effects on Health” Preventive Medicine 51: 275-278.
Lee KH, Bae KH. (2010) “Pursuing an Extension of the Minnowbrook Spirit in the U.S. Health Care
System.” International Journal of Public Policy. 5(2/3):222-236.
Barabas, J., and J. Jerit. Estimating the Causal Effects of Media Coverage on Policy-Specific Knowledge. American Journal of Political Science. Forthcoming, 2009.
Barabas, J. 2009. “Not the Next IRA: How Health Savings Accounts Shape Public Opinion.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law. Vol. 34, Issue 2. Forthcoming, 2009.
Burdette, Amy M., Victor Wang, Glen H. Elder, Jr., Terrence D. Hill and Janel Benson. (2009). “Serving God and Country? Religious Involvement and Military Service among Young Adult Males” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48: 794-804
Burdette, Amy M., Christopher G. Ellison, Terrence D. Hill and Norval Glenn. (2009). “Hooking up at College: Does Religion Make a Difference?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48: 535-551
Burdette, Amy M. and Terrence D. Hill. (2009). “Religious Involvement and Transitions into Adolescent Sexual Activity” Sociology of Religion 70: 28-48.
Coutts, C. (2009). Locational influence of land use type on the distribution of uses along urban river greenways. Urban Planning and Development, 135(1), 31-38.
Ellison, Christopher G., Amy M. Burdette and Terrence D. Hill. (2009). “Blessed Assurance? Religion,
Anxiety and Tranquility among US Adults.” Social Science Research 38: 656-667.
Hill, Terrence D., Amy M. Burdette, and Lauren Hale. (2009). “Neighborhood Disorder, Sleep Quality,
and Psychological Distress: A Model of Structural Amplification” Health and Place 15: 1006-
Jung MS, Lee KH, Choi MK. (2009) “Perceived Service Quality among Outpatients Visiting Hospitals
and Clinics and Their Willingness to Re-utilize the Same Medical Institutions.” Journal of
Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 42(3):151-159.
Lee KH, Yang SB, Choi MK. (2009) “The Association between Hospital Ownership and Technical
Efficiency in a Managed Care Environment.” Journal of Medical Systems, 33(4):307-315.
Patz, J.A., S.H. Olson, C.K. Uejio, H.K. Gibbs. (2009) Disease Emergence from Global Climate and Land Use Change. Medical Clinics of North America, 92, 6, 1473-1491.
Yang SB, Lee KH. (2009) “Linking Empowerment and Job Enrichment to Turnover Intention: The
Influence of Job Satisfaction.” International Review of Public Administration, 14(2):13-23.
Alaimo, K., Bassett, E., Wilkerson, R., Petersmarck, K., Mosack, J., Mendez, D., Coutts, C., Grost, L., & Stegmier, L. The promoting active communities award: Development of Michigan’s self-assessment tool. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 5(1), 4-18. 2008.
Asumda, F, Jordan, L . Minority Youth Access to Tobacco: A Neighborhood Analysis of Underage Tobacco Sales. Health and Place. 2008, Forthcoming
Bae KH, Lee KH. (2008) “Internet, Municipal Governance and Local Economic Development: in the Case
of LA Basin Area.” International Review of Public Administration, 12(2):59-68.
Barabas, J. Presidential Policy Initiatives: How the Public Learns about State of the Union Proposals from the Mass Media. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 38 (June): 195-222. 2008.
Burdette, Amy M. and Terrence D. Hill. (2008). “An Examination of Processes Linking Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Obesity” Social Science and Medicine 67: 38-46.
Choi MK, Lee KH, Lee BH. (2008) “Financial Performance and Health Services Utilization of For-Profit
versus Nonprofit Hospitals: A Study of General Acute Care Hospitals in the United States.”
Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration, 18(4):148-169.
Choi MK, Lee KH. (2008) “A Strategy for Enhancing Financial Performance: A Study of General Acute
Care Hospitals in South Korea?” The Health Care Manager. 27(4):288-297.
Coutts, C. Greenway accessibility and physical activity behavior. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35(3), 552-563. 2008.
Coutts, C. Locational influence of land use type on the distribution of uses along urban river greenways. Urban Planning and Development. In Press, 2008.
Hill, Terrence, Amy Burdette, Mark Regnerus, and Ronald Angel. (2008). “Religious Involvement and Attitudes toward Parenting among Low-income Urban Women.” Journal of Family Issues 29: 882-900
Jung MS, Lee KH, Choi MK. (2008) “An Analysis of Structural Relationships among Financial Indicators
of Hospitals in Korea: Applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).” Korean Journal of Health
Policy and Administration, 18(2):19-38.
Lee HJ, Lee HW, Lee KH, Wan T.T.H. (2008) “Comparing Efficiency between Public Hospitals and
Private Hospitals in South Korea.” International Journal of Public Policy, 3(5/6):430-442.
Lloyd, Donald A. and R. Jay Turner. (2008). “Cumulative Lifetime Adversities and Alcohol Dependence in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 93, 217-226.
Patz, J.A., S. Vavrus, C.K. Uejio., and S.L. McClellan, (2008) Climate change and waterborne disease risk in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. Journal of Preventive Medicine 35, 5, 451-458
Ragan, P., Rowan, A., Schulte, J., & Wiersma, S. (2008). Florida Epidemic Intelligence Service Program: The First Five Years, 2001-2006. Epidemiology Supplement of Public Health Reports, 21-27.
Roh CY, Lee KH, Fottler MD. (2008) “Determinants of Hospital Choice of Rural Patients: The Impact of
Hospital Network, Service Scope, and Market Competition.” Journal of Medical Systems,
Bayram S, Yilmaz F, Lee K.H. “Factors Affecting Inpatient Satisfaction: Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Medical Systems, 31(1):9-16. 2007.
Burdette, Amy M., Christopher G. Ellison, Darren Sherkat and Kurt Gore. (2007). “Are there Religious Variations in Marital Infidelity?” Journal of Family Issues 28: 1553-1581.
Hill, Terrence, Christopher Ellison, Amy Burdette and Marc Musick. (2007). “Religious Involvement and Healthy Lifestyles: Evidence from the Survey of Texas Residents.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine 34:217-222.
Lee K.H. The Effects of Case Mix on Hospital Costs and Revenues for Medicare Patients in California. Journal of Medical Systems, 31(5):254-262. 2007.
Lee K.H. Differential Effects of Hospital Case Mix on Hospital Costs and Revenues with a Focus on Medicaid Patients. International Journal of Public Policy, 2(3/4):328-341. 2007.
Lee K.H, Roh CY. The Impact of Payer-Specific Hospital Case Mix on Hospital Costs and Revenues for Third-Party Patients. Journal of Medical Systems, 31(1):1-7. 2007.
Lee K.H, Anderson Y.M. The Association between Clinical Pathways and Hospital Length of Stay: A Case Study. Journal of Medical Systems, 31(1):79-83. 2007.
Lloyd, Donald A. (2007). “Distinguishing Youths Who Develop Drug Dependence From Those Who Become Alcohol Dependent: A Multinomial Event History Approach.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York NY.
Miller, E. A., Weissert W. G. Geography Still Dictates Rx Coverage for Many Near-Poor Seniors and Disabled Persons. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 19(1). In Press, 2007.
Weissert, C.S. and W.G. Florida’s Health Policy: Making Do on the Cheap. Government and Politics in Florida, 3rd ed., J. Edwin Benton, ed., University of Florida Press. In press, 2007.
Weissert, C.S. and W.G. License to Innovate: Waivers in Fiscal Federalism. Paul Posner and Tim Conlon, eds. Brookings Books, forthcoming, 2007.
Hill, Terrence D., Amy M. Burdette, Christopher G. Ellison and Marc A. Musick. (2006). “Religious Attendance and the Health Behaviors of Texas Adults.” Preventive Medicine 42: 309-312
Hill, Terrence D., Amy M. Burdette, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Ronald J. Angel. (2006). “Religious Attendance and Cognitive Functioning among Older Mexican Americans” Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 61B:P3-P9.
Jerit, J., J. Barabas, and T. Bolsen. Citizens, Knowledge, and the Information Environment. American Journal of Political Science, 50 (April): 266-82. 2006
Lee K.H, Davenport L. Can Case Management Interventions Reduce the Number of Emergency Department Visits by Frequent Users? The Health Care Manager, 25(2): 155-159. 2006.
Lee K.H, Roh C.Y. Effects of Hospital Competition on Hospital Costs in the State of Michigan: Lessons for Korean Health Policy Development. The Journal of Korean Public Policy, 8(2):93-110. 2006.
Lloyd, Donald A. and John Taylor. (2006). “Lifetime Cumulative Adversity, Mental Health, and the Risk of Becoming a Smoker.” Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 10(1):95-112.
Lloyd, Donald A. (2006). “Social Factors in the Relationship between Disability and Depression.” Presentation at the Tenth International Conference on Social Stress Research, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Moulton, Benjamin E., Terrence D. Hill, and Amy M. Burdette. (2006). Religious Affiliation and Euthanasia Attitudes among U.S. Adults, 1977-2004.” Sociological Forum 21: 249- 272.
Regnerus, Mark and Amy M. Burdette. (2006). “Religious Change and Adolescent Family Dynamics” The Sociological Quarterly 47: 175-194.
Taylor, John, Donald A. Lloyd and George J. Warheit. (2006). “Self-Derogation, Peer Factors, and Alcohol, Drug, and Cigarette Use among a sample of Cuban, African American, Non-Cuban Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White Young Adults: An Update.” Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 15(2):39-51.
Turner, R. Jay, Donald A. Lloyd and John Taylor. (2006). “Physical Disability and Mental Health: An Epidemiology of Psychiatric and Substance Disorders.” Rehabilitation Psychology 51(3):214-223.
Turner, R. Jay, Donald A. Lloyd and John Taylor. (2006). “Stress Burden, Drug Dependence, and the Immigration Paradox among U.S. Hispanics.” Journal of Drug & Alcohol Dependence 83:79-89.
Weissert, C.S. and W.G. Governing Health: The Politics of Health Policy. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 3rd Edition. October 2006.
Weissert, W. Survival Skills for the Political Environment of Health Insurance. Inquiry: The Journal of Healthcare Organization, Provision and Financing. 43(2): 89-101. Summer 2006.