Dr. Heewon Lee studies the management of collaborative governance for the successful transition to sustainable and smart cities. Her research investigates the institutional and organizational-level strategies of federal and local governments for effective collaborative governance with non-governmental actors in the sustainability policy arena. Her second area of research focuses on digital governance to address urban public service delivery problems and explore the drivers of citizen engagement using technology. Her work has been published in Governance, Public Administration, Public Performance & Management Review, and the International Journal of Public Administration.
Ph.D.: Florida State University 2022 (Public Administration and Policy)
M.P.A.: Seoul National University (Public Administration)
B.A.: Korea University (Economics)
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lee H.; Han A.; Lee K.H. (2023. ) Financial Sustainability of Hospitals and Equity in Healthcare Access: Using the Social Resource-Based View.Public Performance and Management Review,
Liu Y.; Lee H.; Berry F. (2023. ) How and When Democratic Values Matter: Challenging the Effectiveness-Centric Framework in Program Evaluation.Public Performance and Management Review,
Lee H. (2023. ) Strategic types, implementation, and capabilities: Sustainability policies of local governments.Public Administration,
Lee H. (2022. ) Collaborative governance platforms and outcomes: An analysis of Clean Cities coalitions.Governance, 36 (3), 805-825,
Lee H. (2022. ) Public Service Delivery on Mobile Apps: Factors of Diversification and Coproduction.International Journal of Public Administration,
Book Chapter
Lee H. (2021 ) Functional collective action dilemma and collaborative management Handbook of Collaborative Public Management .(pp. 268).Edward Elgar Publishing
Heewon Lee
Assistant Professor, University of Georgia; Lab Alumnus
Specialization: Collaborative governance, Sustainability policy, Alternative fuels transportation, Digital governance