Benjamin Dowd-Arrow serves as the Director of the Bachelors in Public Health Program. His research examines the mechanisms of inequality in health and well-being. This work has ranged from disparities in vaccination rates among adolescents, the role of religion on cognitive decline, and the factors that influence firearm ownership and firearm policy support. Much of his recent research examines the impact that firearms play on health and well-being such as happiness, fear, and sleep quality. His published research has resulted in numerous interviews with outlets such as the Washington Post, the LA Times, and Reuters / AP.
PhD, Sociology
Florida State University, 2020
Dissertation: Reshaping the Gun Debate: Race, Gender, & Firearms
Master of Science, Sociology
Florida State University, 2016
Thesis: The Impact of Social Media on Election Results: Tweets, Votes, & State Politics
Bachelor of Science, Sociology and Humanities
Florida State University, 2014
Thesis: The Impact of Social Media on Election Results: Tweets, Votes, & State Politics
Associate of Arts, Psychology
Bainbridge State College, 2012
Courses Taught
PHC 4935: Guns, Public Health, & Society
PHC 4030: Introduction to Epidemiology
PHC 4707: Environmental Epidemiology
PHC 5300: Environmental Health
SYA 5458: Social Statistics & Data Analysis for Public Health (graduate level)
PHC 4935: Qualitative Research in Public Health Practice
PHC 4101: Introduction to Public Health
PHC 5001: Public Health Epidemiology
Awards & Honors
2022 Honor’s in the Major Mentor Award Nominee, Florida State University
Selected Publications
Terrence D. Hill, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Christopher G. Ellison, Lauren Hale, Michael McFarland, and Amy M. Burdette. “Gun Ownership, Community Stress, and Sleep Disturbance in America.” Sleep Health. Available online December 16, 2021.
Terrence D. Hill, Ming Wen, Christopher Ellison, Guangzhen Wu, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, and Dejun Su “Modeling Recent Gun Purchases: Toward a Social Epidemiology of the Pandemic Arms Race.” Preventive Medicine Reports, 24:101634. Available online December 1, 2021.
Terrence D. Hill, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Christopher Ellison, Ginny Garcia-Alexander, John Bartkowski, and Amy M. Burdette. “Sexual Dysfunction and Gun Ownership in America: When Hard Data Meet a Limp Theory.” Published in American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(5) Available online September 14, 2021.
Christopher G. Ellison, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Amy M. Burdette, Pablo E. Gonzalez, Margaret S. Kelley, and Paul Froese. “Peace through Superior Firepower: Belief in Supernatural Evil and Attitudes toward Gun Policy in the United States.” Published in Social Science Research, 99:102595. Available online June 12, 2021.
Terrence D. Hill, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Amy M. Burdette, and Tara Warner. “Gun Ownership and Life Satisfaction.” Published in Social Science Quarterly, 101(5):2121-36. Available online August 27, 2020.
Kristen Erichsen, Douglas Schrock, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, and Pierce Dignam. “Bitchifying Hillary: Trump Supporters’ Vilification of Clinton during the 2016 Presidential Election.” Published in Social Currents, 7(6):526-42. Available online July 16, 2020.
Terrence D. Hill, Dawn C. Carr, Amy M. Burdette, and Benjamin Dowd-Arrow. “Life Course Religious Attendance and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life.” Research on Aging, 42(7–8), April 8, 2020. 217–225.
Terrence D. Hill, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Amy M. Burdette, and Lauren Hale. “Gun Ownership and Sleep Disturbance.” Published in Preventive Medicine, 132, 105996, Available online February 5, 2020.
Terrence D. Hill, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Andrew Davis, and Amy M. Burdette. “Happiness is a Warm Gun? Guns and Happiness in the United States (1973-2018).” Published in SSM – Population Health, 10, 100536, Available online January 21, 2020.
Terrence D. Hill, Christopher S. Bradley, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, and Amy M. Burdette. “Religious Attendance and the Social Support Trajectories of Older Mexican Americans.” Published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 34(4), December 2019. 403-16.
Pierce Dignam, Douglas Schrock, Kristen Erichsen, and Benjamin Dowd-Arrow. “Valorizing Trump’s Masculine Self: Constructing Political Allegiance during the 2016 Presidential Election.” Published in Men and Masculinities, 24(3):367-92. Available online September 4, 2019.
Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Terrence D. Hill, and Amy M. Burdette. “Gun Ownership and Fear.” Published in SSM – Population Health, 8, Available online July 30, 2019.
Noah Webb, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Miles Taylor, and Amy M. Burdette. “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Influenza Vaccination Coverage among US Adolescents, 2010-2016.” Published in Public Health Reports, 133(6), November 2018. 667-76.
Douglas Schrock, Alexander Adams, Ryan Bausback, Pierce Dignam, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Kristen Erichsen, and Haley Gentile. “Trumping the Establishment: Anti-Establishment Theatrics and Resonance in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.” Published in Race, Gender, & Class, 25(3-4), 2018. 7-26
Bertan Buyukozturk, Shawn Gaulden, and Benjamin Dowd-Arrow. “Contestation on Reddit, Gamergate, and Movement Barriers.” Published in Social Movement Studies, 17(5), June 2018. 592-609.
Douglas Schrock, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Kristen Erichsen, Pierce Dignam, and Haley Gentile. “The Emotional Politics of Making America Great Again: Trump’s Working Class Appeals.” Published in the Journal of Working Class Studies, 2(1):5-23, June 2017, Special Edition: Popular Revolt and the Global Working Class.
Benjamin Dowd-Arrow
Teaching Faculty I, Director of the Bachelor of Public Health Program (BSPH)
Areas of Interest: Health, Firearms, Race
Claude Pepper Center Bldg, Room 25