Azat Gundogan

Selected Publications

Recent publications:

Gundogan, Azat Zana. 2021. “The New Left in Turkey’s Long 1960s: The Kurdish’ 68ers and the Workers’ Party of Turkey. Turkish Historical Review. 12 (2021): 240-264.

Gundogan, Azat Zana. 2021. “Rethinking Centrality: Extended Urbanization in Istanbul.” City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 25 (1-2): 1-21.

Gundogan, Azat Zana. 2021. “Caught between Kemalist and Islamist Authoritarianisms: The Masses as Auxiliary Power in Turkey, 1923 to Present” in Nathan Stoltzfus and Christopher Osmar (eds.) The Power of Populism and People: Resistance and Protest in the Modern World. Bloomsbury, UK.

Gundogan, Azat Zana. 2019. “Divergent Responses to Urban Transformation Projects in Turkey: The Role of State Affinity in Political Mobilization.” Urban Geography, 40 (7).

Azat Gundogan


Teaching Faculty I, Honors Program

Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House, Suite 2003

Curriculum Vitae