Patricia Y. Warren, received her Ph.D. in Sociology from North Carolina State University. Her research focuses on social control and punishment, racial and gender stratification, racial profiling, collateral consequences of incarceration and the school to prison pipeline. Professor Warren was recently awarded the 2018 William R. Jones, Outstanding Mentor Award by the McKnight Foundation. She is a member of the Racial, Democracy, Crime and Justice Network (RDCJN).
Ph.D. 2005, North Carolina State University; Sociology
M.S. 1999, North Carolina Central University; Criminal Justice
B.A. 1994, North Carolina Central University; Criminal Justice
Awards & Honors
Disproportionate Minority Contact. Co-PI with Dr. Eric Stewart. Funded by Florida Department of Juvenile Justice ($100,000), January 2016-January, 2017
Responsible Conduct of Research and Creativity & Professional Standards Faculty Award, Co-PI with Dr. Sonja Siennick, Summer 2012 ($10,000)
Florida State University, Committee on Faculty Research Support, Summer, 2011
Selected Publications
Stewart, Eric A., Daniel P. Mears, Patricia Y. Warren, Eric P. Baumer, and Ashley N. Arnio. 2018. “Lynchings, Racial Threat, and Whites’ Punitive Views towards Blacks.” Criminology, 56(3):455-480.
Stewart, Eric A., Brian D. Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren, Jordyn Rosario, and Cresean Hughes. 2018. “The Social Context of Criminal Threat, Victim Race, and Punitive Sentiment toward Black and Latino Defendants.” Social Problems.
Hughes, Cresean, Patricia Y. Warren, Eric A. Stewart, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Daniel P. Mears. 2018. “Racial Threat, Intergroup Contact, and School Punishment.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 54(5): 583-616.
Berg, Mark, Eric Stewart, Jon Intravia, Patricia Y. Warren and Ronald L. Simons. 2016. “Cynical Streets: Neighborhood Social Processes and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice.” Criminology. 54(3):520-547.
Devon, Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren and Amy Farrell . 2015. “Deadly Injustice: Trayvon Martin, Race and the Criminal Justice System” New York University Press.
Hughes, Cresean, Patricia Y. Warren, Eric A. Stewart, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Daniel P. Mears. (2018). Racial Threat, Intergroup Contact, and School Punishment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 54(5): 583-616.
Mears, Dan., Eric Stewart, Patricia Y. Warren and Ronald L. Simons. (2017). Culture and Formal Social control: The Effect of the Code of the Street on Police and Court Decision-making. Justice Quarterly, 34(2): 217-247.
Warren, Patricia. Ted Chiricos, William Bales. (2012). The Imprisonment Penalty for Young Black and Hispanic Males: A Crime-Specific Analysis. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 49:56-80.
Warren, Patricia and Amy Farrell. (2009). The Environmental Context of Racial Profiling. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 623(1):52-63.
Patricia Y. Warren
Professor | Director, Undergraduate Program
Areas of Interest: Social Control and Punishment, Racial and Gender Stratification, Collateral Consequences of Incarceration, School to Prison Pipeline, Racial Profiling
310C College of Criminology and Criminal Justice BLDG (CRM) Mail Code: 1273
By appointment