Karin Brewster


Karin Brewster, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Sociology from the University of Washington in 1991.


1991–1994 Postdoctoral Fellow, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1991 Ph.D. Sociology, University of Washington.
1984 M.S. Sociology, Northeastern University.
1982 B.S. Sociology, Northeastern University. With Highest Honors.

Research Activities

My research program encompasses two distinct areas of inquiry: sexuality in adolescence and early adulthood, and contemporary family change. My work in both areas is grounded in my longstanding interest in the social determinants of human fertility and its behavioral antecedents.

Karin Brewster

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Areas of Interest: Social Demography, Sexual & Reproductive Health, Family Life Course

617 Bellamy



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Curriculum Vitae