Patricia Homan


Patricia (Trish) Homan, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Sociology from Duke University in 2018. Dr. Homan is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives for the Public Health Program at Florida State University. Her research focuses on developing theory and measurement for structural sexism, structural racism, and other forms of structural oppression, and examining how these forces shape health in the United States. Her work has been published in American Sociological Review, Demography, American Journal of Public Health, The Milbank Quarterly, Health Affairs, Social Forces, Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, The Gerontologist, and The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, among other outlets. Her research has won multiple national awards including the 2024 Milbank Quarterly Early Career Award in Population Health, 2022 NIH Matilda White Riley Early Stage Investigator Award, the 2022 Early Career Gender Scholar Award from SWS South, the 2021 ASA Sex & Gender Section Distinguished Article Award, and the 2019 Roberta G. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award from the ASA Medical Sociology Section.


Ph.D. in Sociology, Duke University 2018
M.A. in Sociology, Duke University 2016
A.B. in Sociology, Princeton University 2005

Patricia Homan

Associate Professor and Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives for the Public Health Program

Areas of Interest: Medical sociology, population health, gender, stratification/inequality, life course and aging, demography and quantitative methods

238 Pepper Ctr Bldg


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